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              3RD POV

       "Boy, bye." Amari rolled her eyes, Hobie and her were in the library, working on the Project. Today, they were on computers making 3d examples on how their suits would look like, Hobie raised an eyebrow, "You just mad I got style to my ting." Hobie leaned back.

       "'ting'?.. boy.. speak english." She said slowly, cringing. Hobie rolled his eyes, "Suits leng, innit?" He asked, showing her his design. "Again, english." She repeated, Hobie rolled his eyes, "No. I can speak however I want to." Hobie rolled his eyes, Hobie crossed his arms, Amari working on her suit design.

      Hobie was already finished which was surprising, Amari making sure everything looked right and was perfect. She was using reference drawings she made and was making them, Hobie looked at her braids, she had just gotten them, and Hobie couldn't help himself, he grabbed some of her braids, playing with them and feeling them.

     "Nigga! You're gonna ruin my braids! I just got them!" She snapped, slapping Hobie's hand off, Hobie put his hands up, "My apologies." "'My apologies.'" She mocked, Hobie rolled his eyes.


      "BEAT HER ASS SAVI!" Chloe cheered, Savi had all of Seana's hair in her hand, beating her ass, Seana kicking and screaming, slapping Savi, "YOU BEATIN' ON A PREGNANT BITCH??" "OOHHH, BABY, YOU GON BE A CRACK MOMMA SO I MINUS WELL BEAT YOU TO YOUR RIGHT DAMN MIND!" Savi screamed, throwing her to the ground, punching her, she aimed for anywhere but Seana's stomach since she wasn't that crazy.

     There was a crowd of people, screaming, cheering, and recording, Xavier heard Savi screaming, he pushed through the crowd, his eyes widened, "BABE!" He yelled, some dirty ass guy that had braids punched Xavier in the face, "YOU LETTIN' YO GIRL PUNCH MY PREGNANT BITCH?!" He yelled, Xavier grabbed the guy, slamming him into the ground.

     Hobie heard the screaming, he stood up, he grabbed Amari's wrist, "THERES A FIGHT! Let's go!" He shouted excitedly, grabbing his phone and running out the library, dragging Amari with him. Amari's face heated up at Hobie grabbing her wrist, but she didn't fight back, she followed, pushing through the crowd, Seana was on the ground, aswell as her new boyfriend, King, Xavier and Savi whooping their ass.

     "BEAT THAT BITCHES ASS GIRL! YOU DO YOUR BIG ONE!" Hobie cheered, Seana turned her head, her eyes widened, "HOBIE?!" Amari grinned, cheering on Savi, security came 2 minutes later, separating the four.


     They were all in the office now.

    Seana's dramatic ass got Hobie, Amari, and Chloe involved.

     Seana said that Amari and Chloe were also swinging on her and her dumbass stank ass boyfriend, King, said that he had to fight Hobie and  Xavier. Rats the two were.

     So now, they were all in the conference room talking to the Principal Miguel O'hara, and the Dean, George Stacy, and Mr. Noir. "The bitch is crazy! She came up to me and Chloe and started talking shit, so I of course shit talked back and she slapped me! So I whooped ha ass!" Savi exclaimed, Seana scoffed, "Sit your ghetto ass down." Savi's head snapped quickly to Seana, "What the fuck you say??" Savi immediately got up, the security guard standing between Seana and Savi.

     "Me and Amari didn't even do anything! We were literally in the library the whole time working on our project." Hobie exclaimed, looking at Miguel. "Oh! Save it! You literally punched me!" King growled, Xavier stood up, pulling his sweats up, "Nigga, I'll punch yo ass again."

     Miguel's fang's unsheathed, he slammed his fists on the table, "QUIET!" He boomed, all of them went silent and looked at Miguel, Xavier, Savi, and Seana quickly sat down.

     Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose, George calming him down, "I know you all are angry. But further until we see video evidence of what actually happened and who did what, you guys have to stay in separate rooms in the office." Mr. Noir sighed, Xavier's jaw dropped, "WHAT?! We didn't do shit! It's their stank asses that started it!" Amari protested.

     "Listen, Amari, we believe you—" George began, "THEN LET US GO!" Amari shouted, Miguel growled, "You will do as told. No questions asked. These 2 will go into the Detention Classroom and the rest of you guys will be staying in here. We will question Seana and King first and then you." 

     Hobie rolled his eyes, "Ugh, Whatever." Hobie crossed his arms.

𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 (𝙃𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙀 𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙒𝙉)Where stories live. Discover now