|96| So This is Christmas

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So This is Christmas
by Maria Hazel Manalo

Here in the Philippines, the spirit of Christmas is woven into the very fabric of every Filipino's heart, a celebration marked by love and sincere effort. Among the cherished traditions, especially for Catholics like the Santos family, is the observance of "Simbang Gabi" – nine days of fervent prayer and preparation leading up to Christmas.

Amaya's family faithfully attends the nightly masses, but being a young child, she remains oblivious to the significance. Her lola (grandmother) lovingly encourages her, promising, "Your Christmas wish will come true if you complete the nine masses." Eager to make a wish, Amaya starts attending the early morning masses each day.

As Christmas arrives, Amaya seems unusually quiet. Concerned, her lola asks, "Apo, have you received your Christmas wish?" Amaya sadly shakes her head. Lola, worried, inquires, "Why haven't you appreciated my gift?" The little girl replies, "Lola, I appreciate your gift so much, but that is not my wish. My wish is to experience what Christmas truly is because I've never experienced it. Mom and dad were always too busy, even on holidays."

Lola, moved to tears, embraces Amaya and explains, "This is Christmas. The moments you spent attending the masses with me, that is Christmas. You are now a believer in God and His son, Jesus Christ. This is what Christmas is – giving thanks for the blessings we receive every day. You've already done it; even at your young age, you were grateful to them." Amaya gasps, "Wow! So, this is Christmas!"

The End

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