|49| Min-su's Destiny

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Min-su's Destiny
by Manalo, Rose Angelica A.

In a hanok house in the North of Songak Mountain, there was a noble family celebrating the first birthday of their only daughter, named Min-su.

In front of their daughter were five objects, as they were partaking in a tradition called Doljabi. In Doljabi, the child is placed in front of various objects and asked to choose one or two items, each representing a certain aspect of the child's future in terms of a career or way of life.

"Min-su darling, come, come choose your future," said the father.

Min-su stepped forward and picked an object among the money, bow and arrow, box of needles, brush and paper, and lastly, a small hanbok like the ones that the queen wears. Smiling from ear to ear, both parents were proud and breathed a sigh of relief, as their daughter chose something very much suitable for her.

A year and two decades passed. Min-su grew to be a fine lady, with a small doll-like face and porcelain skin. One afternoon, past three o'clock, Min-su stared into space through the window. Suddenly, her best friend Iseul appeared in front of her. Used to such surprises, she just smiled at him. "Why is your face like that?" asked Iseul. "I am also wondering why my face is so beautiful," she answered proudly. Iseul rolled his eyes and flicked Min-su's forehead.

"Ouch!" she winced while holding her forehead. "I was just thinking about something," she added. "And what is it?" he asked. "I literally have nothing right now; I'm concerned about where I'll get food for tomorrow and the next day. It's really hard to be poor," she sighed. "If only I could follow my parents wherever they are now, I've done it," she continued. "Your parents are both dead, silly," Iseul chuckled. "My poor friend, literally poor. I pity you, so why not just come with me?" he said with a mocking face. "To where?" she asked. "To somewhere we could earn money," he replied.

Iseul, a fine man working as a helper for a merchant, had been Min-su's best friend since they were young. They witnessed each other grow, and every inch of their secrets and whereabouts was known to one another.

One day, Iseul, working near the palace, heard about a job position. "The palace is looking for a helper in the cooking area," he heard. As Min-su was a good cook, inheriting the skill from her mother, Iseul told her about it. She refused initially, as she didn't like the idea of asking her best friend for assistance. She was ashamed because he had already helped her so much.

"Min-su, this is the last time I will be giving you help. Please accept it and help yourself. Look at you, how thin you are. This is not good for you; you might get sick. Besides, it's a one-in-a-million chance for you, so try it because you might get lucky this time. We only meet once in a while; I don't want to see you in a worse state next time. Do you want to see my handsome face cry, Min-su?" he said jokingly, but at the same time, seriously persuading Min-su about the job. Eventually, she was persuaded by her best friend.

A week later, Min-su started her journey towards the South, where the palace was located. Her friend Iseul had gone there earlier because he still had work to do. While walking, she held a map drawn by Iseul in her right hand and a small chest her parents left her in her left hand. Suddenly, an old man appeared on her right side, and he said, "The five are coming on your way," before continuing his walk. Min-su was scared and confused, wondering what the old man meant. As an unlucky girl, she hoped that these five meant something that would change her life for good.

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