|31| Smile

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by Krista Suarez

Once upon a time, in the province of Gwangju, lived a girl named Yumi with her mother. She was a shy young girl who didn't have any friends.

One day, while eating in the school cafeteria, three girls sat next to Yumi. Ignoring them, she continued eating her lunch. Suddenly, one of the girls patted Yumi's shoulder and, without warning, poured orange juice on her uniform. Teary-eyed, Yumi ran out of the cafeteria, seeking solace in the restroom.

In the restroom, amidst her tears, she noticed a smiling talchum mask that intrigued her. Filled with anger, she attempted to smash the mask, but to her surprise, it remained unscathed. Out of curiosity, she tried the mask on and whispered, "I hope I am this happy; I hope there's a permanent mask to hide my sadness."

Suddenly, a girl identical to Yumi appeared beside her. Startled, Yumi grew scared and lost consciousness. Awakening in her bed, she found the girl sitting with her mother, wearing Yumi's school uniform. Confused and unable to get her mother's attention, Yumi watched as the girl finished her meal, bid her mother farewell, and walked to school.

Feeling lost, Yumi instinctively followed the girl's path. The girl turned around, looked at Yumi with a sweet smile, and vowed, "I'll make them realize what they've done to you." Puzzled, Yumi responded, "But that was the first time they did that to me." The girl changed, revealing anger, and said, "I know everything they've done, not just once, and they've committed horrible acts your mother doesn't know about." Shocked, Yumi asked, "Who are you?"

Without answering, the girl continued to school, and Yumi had no choice but to follow. Seating herself at Yumi's table, she experienced the same bullying by the group of girls. Unfazed, the lookalike retaliated with a forceful push, causing one of the bullies to faint.

Yumi woke up in the hospital, where her mother tearfully apologized for not being aware of her struggles. Confused, Yumi inquired about her condition, the other Yumi, and her mother tearfully explained, "I didn't know you experienced such things in school; I didn't know it triggered your other personality."

The End

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