|53| The Magical Voice

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The Magical Voice
by Ashanti Sabine R. Namoca

Once upon a bustling time in a kingdom filled with people always in a hurry, there existed a serene oasis tended by a woman named Mary. In stark contrast to the perpetual commotion, Mary appeared to possess an abundance of time. Every morning, she gracefully tended to her garden, a riot of colorful blooms, all the while enchanting the air with her angelic voice that resonated like a soothing melody.

Mary's dulcet tones won the hearts of all in the kingdom, becoming a beloved part of their daily lives. Her voice held a magnetic quality that drew admiration from every corner, except for one cold heart—the heart of the queen. While the entire kingdom reveled in Mary's musical embrace, the queen nursed a growing resentment. The king himself was captivated by Mary's serenades, often requesting private performances.

The queen's envy reached its zenith during the christening of the royal couple's newborn. Despite the joyous occasion, the queen, consumed by jealousy, devised a wicked plan. She commanded her guards to raze Mary's garden, destroying the very essence of her happiness, and to reduce her humble dwelling to ashes.

Returning home to the ruins of her once-vibrant garden, Mary was devastated and, in her grief, discovered the true orchestrator of her misfortune. A fire ignited within her, transforming Mary into a resplendent enchantress, a vision of fury and beauty combined.

With steely determination, Mary marched back to the castle, a harbinger of revenge. The sight of her wrathful beauty struck the court into stunned silence. In her anger, she cast a powerful curse upon the entire royal lineage—the king, the queen, their newborn, and all who shared their blood. None of their descendants would ever be able to use their voices again, forever silenced by the consequence of envy and malice.

And so, the kingdom that once thrived on the bustling energy of its people now bore the weight of a spell that silenced the voices of its rulers, a poignant reminder of the destructive power of jealousy.

The End

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