|85| Don't Lose your Hope

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Don't Lose your Hope
by John Mark Acebar

In a time long ago, a village was home to a young boy named Joel. His world was brimming with joy, surrounded by the warmth of his family. Little did he know that this blissful existence was about to be engulfed by a relentless storm of adversity.

The village, including Joel and his kin, found itself in the merciless grip of a severe drought. Days turned into weeks as they anxiously awaited the elusive rain, but their prayers seemed to fall on deaf heavens. The once fertile land turned barren, and the trees, once full of life, withered away. The stream, a lifeline for the village, began its slow descent into dry oblivion.

Desperation consumed the villagers, their livelihoods crumbling like the very soil beneath their feet. In a pivotal meeting, held under the desolate sky, Joel spoke with an unwavering determination.

"Friends, the stories of our ancestors speak of an underground river coursing beneath our very feet. Why don't we unearth it ourselves?"

A glimmer of hope sparked in the villagers' eyes, and they embarked on a collective journey to dig into the earth. Days turned into nights, yet the soil yielded no sign of the elusive river. Frustration and weariness settled in, causing some to abandon the task.

But not Joel.

Persisting against all odds, he continued to dig, fueled by an unyielding faith. Amidst skepticism and whispers of surrender, Joel echoed, "God is guiding my way."

As his shovel delved deeper, Joel's unwavering spirit struck liquid resistance. Water – the lifeblood they sought – greeted his eyes. The underground river had answered their prayers.

Joel's resilience became the beacon of salvation for the entire village. His unwavering commitment had, quite literally, unearthed a source of life. "Never surrender so easily," he implored the villagers, leaving an indelible mark on their spirits.

Now, the village never thirsts for water. Joel's legacy lives on, woven into the very fabric of the community. Whenever challenges arise, the villagers stand united, drawing strength from the memory of Joel and the triumph over adversity.

The End

Fiction Academy: CAS' Never Ending Story 2022जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें