Rising Sun

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Madara maintained a straight face as he rode the elevator up to Ozpin's office, wondering what the old man could possibly want now. Of course, the rational part of him knew that he was likely being summoned for a mission, but sometimes it was funner to expect the unexpected.

'Whatever this is, it better be interesting.'

The elevator dinged as he arrived at the top, the shinobi stepping out into the clock based office. Madara internally scoffed at the room, how could anyone base their office around time? Madara hated time.

"Good evening, Mister Madara. How are you today?" Ozpin greeted as Madara entered the room, taking a seat in the chair across from the headmaster. The Uchiha was quiet for a moment, before taking initiative.

"I am quite well, Ozpin. Why have you called me here?" There was no point in beating around the bush. The headmaster chuckled, his hazel-green eyes twinkling as he took a sip from his mug.

"Oh don't be so uppity, Mister Madara. I was just going to assign you a mission, you are still a student, after all." Madara narrowed his eyes at the man, before a smirk crawled up his own lips.

"I'm well aware, Ozpin. Now what is it that you would have me do?" Madara leaned back in his chair inspecting the man before him. Ozpin flashed him a warm smile before sending the information to the shinobi's scroll, making the Uchiha take his own out and glance it over.

"This is a map of the northwestern coast of Mistral, and this small island here is where you will be headed to. This is the island of Ronoa, and it has been facing an influx of grimm activity lately, so I would like you to go out and investigate. I'm aware that this is the type of mission usually reserved for second or third years...but I believe you to be capable." Madara and Ozpin locked eyes for a few moments, before the Uchiha began to chuckle.

"I see, I'm flattered that you have such confidence in me...very well then, I accept this assignment." Ozpin nodded, gesturing for Madara to leave the room. But right as the Uchiha was stepping out of the door, the headmaster called out to him.

"Mister Madara." The aforementioned man looked back with a impatient expression, eyes narrowed at Ozpin. The headmaster was silent for a moment, before speaking softly.

"Thank you for accepting my offer to join this school, you have done a lot of good around here." The two continued staring at each other, the only noise being the ticking of the clocks around the office. But soon enough, a small smile crept up onto Madara's face.

"It's been a pleasure."

And with that, Madara walked out of the room, leaving a pleasantly surprised man behind. The man of one thousand lives stared at the elevator as it closed, watching it descend with a thoughtful expression.

'I sense a great potential in you, Madara. I can only hope that it is a good one.'


"Ooooohhh! I wish I could go! But I have a mission with my team..." Ruby pouted as she tossed a rock up and down in her hand. Madara snorted at her disappointment, picking up a stone of his own and tossing it into the fountain. It skipped across the entire thing, ending up clattering to the ground on the other side.

"That's why you have a team. Don't forget about them." Madara chastised gently, watching as Ruby tried to skip a stone of her own. But alas, the rock sunk right into the water, little ripples flowing throughout the fountain.

"Yeah I know...I just want to make things better." Ruby mumbled as Madara tossed another stone, once again making a successful skip. He glanced back at Ruby, a slightly curious expression on his face at her plight.

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