The Devil Walks Among Us

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Madara woke up early the next day, early enough to where the moon was still out. He stared at the broken silver disc from the shop's window, cursing its name until it fell beneath his vision.

The Uchiha bid his boss goodbye, who had been surprisingly excited to see him go off to Beacon. "I wanted to be a huntsman when I was little too, but then I discovered my semblance. Changing eye colors doesn't really help when fighting grimm, eh?"

Madara disagreed.

The shinobi found his way over to the center of Vale, quickly boarding what he now knew was called a Bullhead. 'What a dumb name. Bulls can't fly.' This led to his current status, sitting down on the airship as it slowly lumbered on towards Beacon. Head chose a seat near the corner, secluded from anyone. A few had tried to approach him, mainly girls. But a single glare turned them away.

The shinobi hadn't seen Ruby yet, so either she was getting on a different ship or later on the same one. He didn't really mind, he didn't think he was ready to see her again anyway.

I'm sorry, Souta. Please forgive me.

Madara focused on the feeling of his chakra coursing through him as he waited to arrive at the school. His reserves were massive, dwarfing any Jonin even in modern day Fire Country. He reckoned they were around the levels of a Kage. Nowhere near his old levels, but still increasing slowly.

He could also feel the nature energy running through him as well. Hashirama's sage mode was still etched into his chest, the black markings adorning the face of his friend not having faded. It seemed that his death had unified the two energies, because he hadn't gathered any nature energy since he had arrived here, and his sage power still hadn't vanished.

'I still haven't tried any Senjutsu though...'

Madara had made the decision to stick with his Fire Style as his "semblance". It was the one he had the most practice in, and was quite powerful to boot. His Sharingan would need to remain a secret, lest word of a man with two semblances get out.

'I could convince them I had a dozen semblances if I wanted to.'

Madara surveyed the children who had boarded the Bullhead either with or before him. Maybe not children to most, but to a man who was currently on his fourth life, it was hard for anyone to appear matured.

He eyes the weapons wielded by each child with curiosity. From staffs, swords, snipers and shields, to pistols, gauntlets, spears, and hammers. It seemed that this world held no limits for ingenuity.

'I wish I had my old Gunbai. Perhaps I need to go about constructing another one.'

He looked down towards his hands, his gloves now removed in the privacy of his isolation. He ran a finger along the white skin, taking in the slight smell of oak and leaves that emanate from the artificial limb.

He gripped the face of his friend, although the cells had accepted him as worthy of their power, they still caused him great pain. Like acid eating his right arm and chest down to the bone.

'Some things never change...'


In a flash, Madara slipped his gloves back on, head snapping over to the source of the shout. His eyes quickly locked on Ruby, who was running over to him, dragging with her an unfamiliar face.

A blonde girl, hair a much deeper shade than the headmistress from the night prior. Her hair curled all the way down her back, vibrant gold that would make Naruto jealous. Her eyes were a vibrant purple, only a shade or two lighter than the Rinnegan. She was taller and tanner than Ruby, and judging by her build it was because she was a more athletic and adventurous kind of girl. She wore a brown, leather jacket that barely contained her enormous chest, accented by a yellow band tucked away in the center. An orange scarf was draped around her neck. She sported black short shorts with a brown, crooked belt. Completing the look were a pair of brown boots, reaching up half way up to her knees and paired together with orange socks of differing lengths. On her face was a big grin, letting Madara know that this girl was quite a bit more rambunctious than Ruby.

Hollowed Martyr - Naruto X RWBYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن