Savior Of A Fallen Maiden

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Madara grunted in pain as he stumbled to the ground, panting heavily in the setting sun's heat. But despite his ache, he got back to his feet, swinging his Tanto with renewed vigor.

"Futon: Shinkuken!"

A wave of sharp wind chakra flew from the blade, slicing through several dozen trees before dissipating. Madara grinned in satisfaction, his Wind Style jutsu were developing nicely.

He now had mastered 7 new Wind Release techniques, all ones he had caught a glimpse of with his Sharingan during the Fourth War. Although inexperinced with such techniques, his affinity showed, allowing him to decimate the area.

'That's enough for today. I best return to the Academy.'

Madara sheathed his Tanto, before gazing off into the setting sun. He narrowed his eyes, before walking at a quick pace.
He did not want to be out with the moon.

With his enhanced speed, he reached Beacon within minutes, arriving as a blur to those with untrained eyes. With a simple genjutsu, he snuck his way inside, eventually arriving inside his room, where a Wood Clone was sitting. With a blank expression, Madara struck down his doppleganger, taking a sick satisfaction with the way it fell over dead before poofing.

Madara put away his weapons, checking his scroll to see if his Gunbai was ready yet. He cursed internally at no new messages, resolving to go and see tomorrow how much progress had been made.

'But even without my Gunbai, my strength is increasing exponentially...'

Madara sent a wayward look at his chest, caressing Hashirama's face carefully. It was true, his power had increased greatly from when he had first arrived here. His chakra levels were rising each day, and his newly awakened aura was quite exceptional. Not to mention his Sage Mode, which gave the Uchiha even more power.

'Speaking of which...I've waited long enough. I believe it's about time I check out what's down there.'

Ever since he had arrived, Madara's Sage Mode had alerted him to a presence under the school. Its energy felt similar to Ozpin's, mystical, otherworldly even. But this one was different. It felt...incomplete, waning each day. And Madara knew that if he waited too long, it would dissipate entirely.

With a plan in mind, Madara waited till nightfall, Sage Mode alerting him to the exact moment everyone fell asleep. With his stealth ability, he gingerly cracked open his door. He then smirked.

'It's time.'

With a single Shunshin, Madara vanished from view, blasting over at speeds thousands of times faster than sound. He arrived at the school-elevator in an instant, grinning menacingly as he stepped inside.

As he descended, he let his thoughts wander. First, he would identify the source of the power. Then, he would determine whether it was a threat. And after that?

He would just have to wait and see.
The quiet ding altered Madara to his arrival at his destination, the doors sliding open with an eerie silence. The Ghost of the Uchiha stepped out into a hallway, clearly one that had been achieved by technology.

'The power is getting stronger, I must be near...'

Madara turned the corner, before he recoiled in shock. Before him was a long corridor, ending in a stasis chamber surrounded by a myriad of technological devices. But that was not what made Madara's eyes widen in surprise.

'A human...?'

With another use of Shunshin, he was there. His Sharingan flared to life, allowing him to memorize every detail of the figure secured in the chamber.

It was a woman, quite a pretty one at that. She had shoulder length brown hair that framed her tan face. Her cheeks seemed hued by a permanent blush, yet her eyes remained closed in a deep slumber. Her face was stained by broad, jagged and faded black lines, some sort of scar from what Madara could tell. She wore some sort of huntress uniform, blacks, yellows, whites, and browns splashed across her outfit. She was secured in place with steel restraints, glowing with some sort of rune.

Madara's Sharingan told a story of its own, revealing the source of the power. Coiled deep in the woman's chest was a glowing orange orb, flickering with an ancient fiery power. It was tied to the woman's soul, in a way even more intimate than aura. But when Madara looked closer, his eyes formed into a glare.

This power had been halved.

Half of the energy had been torn away, and it seems that the rest was desperate to reunite with its other half, therefore slowly killing the user. The shinobi weighed his options. This woman was clearly not a threat, hell, it looked like the school was using her.

Had Ozpin done this?

Such a thought made Madara seeth in rage, but he soon calmed himself. He didn't know the details yet, so he shouldn't make assumptions.

Especially when the answer to his question was right in front of him.

'This shouldn't be too hard. The amount of power I wield should be more than enough to hold her over until I locate the other half.'

Channeling both aura and chakra into his palm, Madara jammed his hand through the stasis chamber. An alarm began to sound, but was shut off before it could even start booming. Carefully, Madara placed his hand upon the woman's chest, and began pumping his energy into her. An orange and blue aura surrounded the girl, signifying the combination of both of their energies.

The process lasted several minutes, only stopping when Madara was sure he had filled her with enough energy to last several weeks. Only then did he stop, retracting his hand and pushing out his senses once more. To his satisfaction, the woman's vitals had been restored to normal, and she would most likely awake in a few hours.

So, in the dead of night, Madara gingerly removed the woman from the chamber. He set her on his shoulder, leaving a Wood Clone using the Transformation Jutsu on her wake. With a single hand sign, he fixed the hole in the glass with a mix of earth and fire style jutsu. Plan complete, Madara grinned, before sneaking off the way he came back to his dorm room, thoughts of this woman's identity filling his mind. But as he returned back to his room, he shook them off.

He would find out soon enough.

Author's Note: I know it's a short chapter, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. I never see Amber used in fics, So I wanted to try that here.

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