Teacher Of Another World

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A few days had passed since he and Neo's...confrontation, but Madara was overall satisfied by the process he was making with his woman on the inside.

She hadn't been able to meet up with her boss yet, but she was still able to provide Madara with valuable information that would perhaps be useful later.

Madara did not pity the woman behind the red eyes, for she was someone who had condemned themselves to violence. If one draws bloos from another, they must be prepared to take the same pain. And he was no fool, he had done his research beforehand; Neo had a certain reputation in the underworld, for being quiet brutal and a notorious sadist.

What he delivered was justice.

Madara manuevered his mind over to Amber, the woman seemed to be doing quite well. His chakra was working as a delightful substitute for her maiden powers, and she seemed to be in a better mood as well. This was because Madara had spent the day with her yesterday, from sunrise to sunset. T'was a nice day, he thought.

Currently, Madara was meditating in his dormroom, having took this day as his time of rest. Classes had just ended, and his clone had provided ample information upon its return.

The Uchiha felt his chakra and aura flow throughout his body, mixing and swirling together as it pulsated within him. His senjutsu chakra flared, mixing with his own chakra and aura and forming a crude imitation of Six Paths power.

He frowned, the sheer amount of energy within his body was worrying, not because of the power itself, but the body it resided in. His younger body was much weaker and less refined than his previous one, even with his Hashirama cells. He could feel his power beginning to swell, a sign of trouble for the future.

But before Madara could contemplate it any more, an earth shattering boom sounded throughout campus. His whole room shook, a book he had been reading falling off of his desk. Madara frowned, spreading his senses out to find the culprit. To his mild surprise, he felt Ruby and Yang in the training room, clearly responsible for the quake.

'I suppose I should see what this is all about.' He grumbled to himself, getting up and leaving his room. He analyzed the aura's of the two as he approached, noting that they were both quite low. He attributed it to some type of training, but never before had something like this happened.

Madara soon reached the door, growling as he burst through it, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the sisters. He eyes them, taking not of their haggard appearances.

"What on earth is all of the ruckus about, some of us are trying to sleep." He droned, of course, he didn't need sleep, but it sounded less weird that way. Ruby had the decency to look even the slightest bit guilty, while Yang only rolled their eyes playfully at him.

"Sorry, Madara. We were just practicing. Trying to teach Ruby here some hand to hand, and it's going about as well as you expect." Yang chuckled, gesturing over to her younger sister, who replied with an indignified shriek.

"I don't need hand to hand, I've got my weapon-" Ruby didn't get to finish her sentence when Madara appeared behind her in a burst of speed, putting Ruby in a full nelson. He restrained her tightly, so much so that he could hear her heart beating in her chest. Ruby yelped in surprise, and began to struggle against him, but it was no use.

"A foolish sentiment, one that could cost you your life." Madara growled, easily subduing any of the struggles Ruby made. Yang's eyes went red, ready to charge in, but fortunately for her, Madara let Ruby go, the younger girl immediately backing away while rubbing her neck.

"Madara, what the hell?!" Yang roared at the shinobi, who only crossed his arms with indifference. His eyes then met Ruby's, which held fear that only made him feel the slightest bit guilty. But nevertheless, he hardened his gaze.

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