Test Of Skill

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Madara leaned against the wall of his dorm room, the morning after his little...escapade. His thoughts wandered to the faces of his victims, forever burned into his memory via the Sharingan.

'Criminals, the lot of them. Besides, death is a mercy when you're living in reality.' Madara mused. His body was now clean, the blood having been washed off in the shower upon his return.

His shower floor was now stained red.

The Ghost of the Uchiha didn't move from his spot for several hours, his clone attending class for him. He had destroyed his first one to gain its knowledge last night, and as expected, it was nothing but useless nothings.

"Please! P-Please don't kill me!"

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry!"

"I-I only joined to h-help others!"

"I just want to see my f-family again...p-please..."

Madara frowned at the mental image of the last girl he had ended, clenching his teeth in frustration. She was a criminal, and had been in his way. As such, she deserved death.

She was innocent, Madara.

The shinobi had taken many innocent lives before, and this was just another addition to the literal pile of dead men behind him. Her cries kept echoing in his mind, making him feel more and more agitated.

"It doesn't matter..." He spoke aloud, ignoring the fact that her face reminded him of another from his past life. Deep down he knew that he shouldn't have killed her, but Madara didn't care.

He was tired of caring.

'Perhaps this will get my mind off things...'

Madara cracked upon his right eye, smirking at the clock. It was about time for combat class, the only one he would actually be attending. With a mental signal, his clone asked to use the restroom right as it entered the Combat Room, and when it returned, it had actually been swapped out with the real Madara.

Madara glanced around the room, walking up the bleachers with heavy footsteps. His eyes narrowed when he spotted the only remaining seat, beside the bow-wearing faunus girl he had seen the night before initiation. If memory serves, she was on Ruby's team.

The Uchiha silently took his seat, ignoring the way the girl's eyes flickered over towards him in intrigue. He spotted Ruby in an instant, who upon meeting his eyes, sent a small wave his way.

Madara wanted to simply ignore her, but he had promised her to be a friend. So with a bit of effort, he sent her a small wave of his own, silently noting the way the faunus girl watched curiously. Ruby's mouth opened up in surprise, before a smile formed on her face and her wave increased in ferocity.

Madara rolled his eyes, eventually finishing his act of kindness for the year and setting his sights on the arena. His mind shifted, going into full analytical mode as he watched Goodwitch call students two at a time to do battle.

'Ruby uses her speed to disorient her opponent, opting for quick counters and not letting her foe mount a real offensive. Her strikes are strong and fast, but she lacks direction. Her moves are predictable and her dashes are linear. I wonder what she would do against a more experienced opponent?' Madara mused as he watched Ruby fight against another student with brown hair and a large mace.

'Yang is a brawler, and her physical strength is quite impressive. Her fundamental style is similar to her sisters, focusing on overwhelming offense and cutting the need for defense by not letting their enemy mount a counter attack. Her attack power is decent, but her speed and predictability are her downfall. Not to mention her temper.' Madara's eyes were locked on the two combatants, Yang and some blond kid from what he believed was team JNPR. Yang violated the boy, who made Madara cringe in disgust.

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