CHAPTER 3 | Mary.

Start from the beginning

I watch as Azalea slips in and out of consciousness, probably not wanting to fall asleep whilst I'm here. She also looks extremely uncomfortable, maybe it's because of me or the seats.

Probably because of me.

"You can sleep Lea, it's fine." I assure her. She must be exhausted knowing her father is dead.

Even though those bitches kidnapped Lea, they looked after her so I have no choice but to understand that she's in her grieving stage, and so she may take a while to settle in and adjust herself.

"Thank you," she mutters, finally closing her eyes and drifting into sleep.

She seems to be an extremely quiet person, and pretty anxious as well. But I can't seem to get my mind off the fact that she flinched back at the station.

It would be understandable cause she doesn't know me or my intentions, but she flinched hard.

As if she was expecting me to hit her or something.

I hope it was a complete coincidence, I'm sure it was just a complete coincidence.

"Do you think she'll remember us?" Elijah suddenly asks.

"Elijah, come on. You're meant to be smart, she was three when she was kidnapped, obviously she won't fucking remember us." I scoff, making my point clear. It's stupid of him to ask that, when the answer is pretty damn evident.

"..She's really distant, don't you think?" He speaks up, ignoring my comment.

"Yeah, I don't want to jump into conclusions but I think she's gone through something.. something bad. Back at the station, I stretched my hand out in front of her and she flinched, hard."

"Hm, she's also really skinny, like too skinny." He hums, seemingly thinking about something.

"Maybe an eating disorder? Or that's just how she is."

"Maybe, keep a close eye on her for now, I need to know my principessa is okay, " He replies understandably determined. I nod, keeping my eyes trained on the small girl we've missed so much.

We'll protect you Azalea.


I dart up, snapping my eyes open and regulating my breathing.

That was a nightmare I had of 'my mum'. As much as I despise them right now, I could never hate Mary.

She was my mother figure, the person I looked up too.

I just wish I didn't run.


3rd person

"Mummy, let's go get ice-cream!" Azalea exclaims, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Of course darling" Mary said, pecking her cheek lightly whilst smiling.

Azalea skipped down the streets as Mary walked close behind, focused on her phone.

In the corner of Azalea's eye, she saw a glimmering necklace.

Gasping, she immediately started heading towards it, I mean, why would she miss such an opportunity?

Smiling, Mary decided it wouldn't cause any harm for her to wash the necklace and give it to her.

However, clearly the outcome was completely different because as soon as Azalea stepped a foot there, she was instantly held at gunpoint.

"Save yourself or your.. daughter, Mary?"

"No! Don't involve Azzy in this! She didn't do anything, it's my fault! Not hers!" she sobbed.

"Boohoo, Enough with your 'crying', now choose. Either her," The man said, pointing his finger towards the 7 year old girl he had in a headlock, "Or.. you." He said, pointing towards Mary and looking at her in exaggerated disgust.

"Fuck.. Alright, John, you win, happy? Just.. leave her out of this." She said, wiping her tears and planting on an emotionless façade.

'John' Only chuckled to this, then aggressively through Azalea to the ground.

"I love you so much, Azalea, but right now you have to run. I promise, I'll come back for you. I love you so so much," Mary whispered, reaching into her pocket, "Take this and open it when you're 18, 18 only, okay?" She said, making a '1' and an '8' with her fingers.

She gave Azalea one last kiss on the head before the little girl set of running back home, wet tears trickling down her face and bruised kneecaps.



"Azalea, you okay? You zoned out for a minute or two," Elijah asks, genuine concern on his face.

I nod, but I was not okay. I just remembered the note that I left back at Stefano's house AND the guy's name!


Some info about her past!

Don't worry, this will all make sense in book 2 and in some chapters.

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