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"her name is Annie Finkerheim." lucille titled her head in confusion. "is that so? mr Edward has the same last name is he my uncle or something?" He nodded before saying. "yes, he is your mother half brother. Of course,if you want to know about what happened after she left your mother, you've to ask her."

lucille nodded while looking down, she was thinking deeply.'Edward was death in everytime I went back in time, as I said before he should be death by now but in the day when I did Paternity test with claude he was there safe and sound. Maybe I had changed his path,that's.....'

lucille smiled widely.' I can use this chance to make my aunt dies from the tip,Raise my authority in the imperial palace and. Making everyone fear me is all that I can do by exploiting them a little bit.' suddenly claude patted her head.

she looked at him in confusion. "time for sleep, you've to rest now." he laid down beside her before he placed her next to him.' is he going to sleep here with someone he doesn't consider her as his daughter.'

Lucille closed her eyes.' Now I think about he had never let me sleep with him, why all of sudden he is approaching me? Is it a whim, pity or temporary tenderness? I don't know but this won't change my heart.

I won't love you or consider you as my father. not after what I've been through.

after this event I spent the whole week in my room, a lot of things had happened. when Athanasia knew that I woke up she quickly cried in my arms, I knew now that she care deeply about me and I was grateful for that.

Mia, Elia, juri and ginger visited me as well to see how I was doing. It was great to have them by my side. As for Claude I didn't meet him since that day, Edward visited me and I asked him to eat lunch with me when I get better.

And now I'm sitting in my sofa with Juri sitting in front of me. "What did you want to talk about?"  Lucille said while enjoying tea smell. "About what you told me that day, how can you help me?"

lucille smiled before saying. "Your uncle is involved in the slave trade with someone."juri eyes widen before she put her cup on the table, she looked at lucille directly in the eyes to only see her confidence smile.

" H- how do you know such a big information? " Lucille frowned deeply, her eyes became cold and emotionaless.
"Juri, you should be more aware about what you must ask and what you must not ask about."

she raised her head before glaring at Juri who was sweating. "I'm your master remember this." Juri looked down while getting nervous more and more.

"I apologize your highness!" juri said before lucille with her finger on the table before she said. "To turn your uncle down, you've to expose him to the public and here my question. what do you think is good to do in this situation?" 

Juri wondered for a moment before she said. "we must find evidence that can improve what my uncle is doing!" Lucille nodded. "Go and meet up with Ginger she'll tell you something about it. Soon you'll get your revenge." Juri stode up while looking down.

"W... what your highness will gain from helping me?" Lucille looked bored in emptiness. "you'll know that later, just do what you should do." Juri couldn't understand Lucille, she wanted to know what is this princess thinking but asking many questions won't give her answers.

I will destroy this novel (wmmap) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें