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claude was in his office doing paper work, he was also looking at the informations about Grace family. 'everything is a miss, I can't believe there's many secret about this damn family.'

he stode up as he sighed, he heard a knock so he said. "come in." felix walked in and closed the door behind him. he bowed before saying.

"Your majesty, I've something to report." claude nodded. "I think her highness won't forgive us that easy." claude raised an eyebrow as he asked.
"you mean lucille? why you think that?"

Felix raised himself up and nodded. "It's not only because of what had happened to her. it's.... more complicated than that." felix said as his sweat dropped.

claude put his hand on her forehead as he sighed. "I know there's nothing you've to tell me about, you can leave now." felix bowed before leaving.

' Things are getting complicated more and more, Alice Grace when she came to imperial palace I didn't give her attention. But because of diplomatic business I did meet her from time to time.

From my several meeting I could clearly know that she was a great innocent and kind woman. But my feelings for her was nothing but friendship feelings even though she was pregnant with my children I couldn't help but to feel this way.

Now I think about Why didn't I visit her after she moved to the Green Palace?Before she moved I used to visit her at least once in a week. ' he was trying to remember but soon he got a headache. "Tsk, how annoying."

lucille was in her room trying to sleep but she couldn't. suddenly she heard a knock on her door, she choose to ignore it and pretend to be a sleep.

"Your highness I'm coming in." Edward said before walking in. he sat on her bed before saying. "You know your highness, I really did envy my elder sister. Even though my mother does love as she take good care of me.

I knew from the start,that my mother love and care about Alice more than me. Maybe because they took her away from mother. Everytime I see mother she has a sign of sadness, I can clearly see it even though she's trying to hide it.

When mother got to work here she was happy, she could see her precious daughter. But mom was careful she was trying so hard to not let anyone know about the relationship between her and Alice but after Alice died one of the maid knew about by a coincidence.

Mother didn't want to make your highness any trouble so she just left as the maid said. We thought everything would be alright if we didn't get near your highness, but we were wrong."

He touched lucille hair and rubbed it gently. "Everything turned to worse, you could have been a cheerful innocent girl but because of everything had happened so far you closed your heart.

No one can change people's heart unless they choose to. Your highness I know I'm not in right position to apologize but I'm sorry."

He looked down in a shame as he added. "I'm really sorry  for everything I couldn't give. I'm sorry for not being by your side"Even though he was honest, He didn't expect an answer from Lucille so he continued to rub her head.

' Edward and Annie were also victims, edward was meant to die I don't know if Annie died in my previous lives and even if she was alive she can't do anything the only thing she can do is standing helplessly in front of my death body.

I will destroy this novel (wmmap) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ