An unexpected meeting

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third person pov

'Elia is a maid who served me in my third life after we made a deal. she helped me so many times but in the end she couldn't save me from death, because claude killed me  after he lost his memory. when she tried to help me it was too late '
"your highness, your highness!" Lucille's thoughts was cut by Elia. "Oh, sorry whay did you say?"Elia was annoyed from the sudden deal, she didn't know how she will help lucille to be a master of this palace,but what made her more annoyed that lucille is so calm.

" I was saying, how could someone like me help you, your highness " Elia  sighed  as she said that. Lucille took something from her  pocket and place it in Elia's hand "hair clip? what will I do with this?" The color of a dark and radiant red hairpin was incredibly beautiful, making the blonde-haired maid mesmerize with it's beauty.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Lucille said which made Elia nod. Elia couldn't help but to admit it's beauty. but she was confused  why lucille gave her something valuable like this. " but your highness, why are you giving this?"  Lucille smiled slyly and then said "well....."

It has been two days since Lucille came back in time, Now she is in the library studying about magic and mana. she was enjoying the peaceful moment while reading her book.'In my previous lives I had learned magic but everytime I go back in time,I start learning them over and over because of my mana and my body is so weak when I was seven years old and I can't control it carelessly,if I tried to control it carelessly, i might end with a mana explosion like my forth life. *sigh* It's boring to learn magic everytime I die. but there's nothing I can do about it. if i want to live,I must learn magic. of course magic can't save me everytime but  It just increases my chance nothing more nothing less.'

With the passage of time, Lucille's eyelids began to weaken more and more from the intensity of sleepiness. "I feel tired. I have exhausted myself recently. I want to rest a little bit.'
after that  lucille went in a deep sleep.

" Yuki you did well in your exam, this Cream and honey cake is for you, enjoy it well, my dear" the mother said as she patted Yuki's head. "thank you mom, I will enjoy it"  Yuki said with bright smile. On the other side of the stage, a girl was looking at them with sadness and loneliness. Yes, that girl was Yuri

Although Yuri loves her sister and wishes her all the best, the feeling of jealousy is still there Yuri couldn't understand why her parents discriminated between her and her sister, she always wondered about the difference between her and her sister.

"Mom, I did well in the exam" Yuri showed her exam paper to her mother but she ignored her as if she was nothing. "Yuri, I will go now enjoy your day"  after she said that she walked away. Yuri looked down, she was about to cry but a fork of sweet cake had entered her mouth. 

'so sweet' Yuri thought as she cheered up. "delicious, isn't it?" Yuki said as she smiled brightly at her sister. Yuri nodded as she looked at her. "let's eat it together big sister"  she dragged Yuri with her to their garden house.

"but it's your cake shouldn't you eat it yourself?" yuri didn't want to eat her sister cake even if it was delicious,ger sister did well in the exam so she deserve it . "The cake would be more delicious if I ate it with you, you know"  Even if Yuki looks so calm and happy in Yuri's eyes, she was actually very very angry because of what their mother did to her big sister.

"now, now, should we eat?" yuri couldn't help but to agree with Yuki. Yuri was so grateful to have such a good brother. right, Yuki was a male not a female. Yuri and Yuki's parents preferred girls to boys, so Yuki had to live as a girl even if he didn't want to.

"sister, do think that our parents will still love us even if we fail?" Yuri was confused about the sudden question but she knew the answer but the truth is painful. "look sister,I mean now we are in highschool. I was lucky enough to got high mark in school but I wasn't good in sport, cooking, writing, sewing and playing music,like you   

I will destroy this novel (wmmap) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora