holy cannolies

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(holy cannolies)

"i'm good, i'm good, I'm great. Know it's been a while, now i'm mixin up the drank"

*i'll be using dates next couple chapters*

LONG CHAPTER ITS 5181 words :))

A few days had past since estella moved in with jack. The two were adjusting perfectly to being moved in with one another. Although they were with eachother a lot and had been at one of there apartments until when estella started filming again. It made them being together at the same place easy because they had already done it.

Jacks season had came to a end after getting out on the second round of playoffs and estella's show was about to be premiered to world in a few weeks. The two's family and friends were all to arrive soon at estella's family house in the Hamptons for the summer and estella's show premiere.

Before that jack and stel decided to take some of their friends along with them to f1 in mami since estella was invited being given extra tickets. The boys were extremely thrilled to go especially especially especially trevor. He kept telling jack he would make a good impression on Madelyn so they could eventually fall in love. The couple laughed about it and we're honestly excited to see his plan play out.

everyone was beyond excited for the summer and happy it was beginning with them going to f1.

May 12th, friday

Jack wakes up to their alarm going off for them to leave for the airport. His eyes flutter open seeing estella still sound asleep with her head on his chest. Jack decides to sit there for a minute before gently trying to wake up his girlfriend.

"stel" he whispers starting to play with her hair.

"babe" jack whispers again moving his hands down to her back to scratch it. Estella still being fast asleep. The whole time jack had been dating her waking her up had been one of toughest jobs. She loved her sleep, if she didn't get the right amount the day wasn't good.

"my love we have to get going soon" Jack says a little louder starting to lift the covers up. She finally opens her eyes with an eye roll and a yawn.

"ughhhhh baby it's to early" she says as he is already getting up out of bed.

"i know love but our flight is at 6 and we're meeting all of our friends there so we have to go" jack states looking in the drawer for his sweatpants.

"but it's just to early baby" she says dragging herself out of bed now laying on the floor dramatically.

"yeah it is but you will regret it if we miss our flight" He says picking her up bridal style.

"i know" she accepts defeat as jack sets her down in the bathroom as he showers and she starts to get ready. As she was getting ready she made sure jacks present was still in tact. His birthday was on the day they were flying to the hamptons. Truth be told she didn't think he cared but of course got him a few things.

Estella just decides to do her skin care and light mascara putting her hair into a messy bun wearing baby pink leggings with a beige white fox hoodie pairing it with her uggs of course. Jack also wears something comfy since they were going to where they were staying first then the races.

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