you big baby

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(you big baby)

BY Ashe and Finneas
"out on our own. Dreaming in a world that we both know"


    Estella wakes up in a better mood than ever. Sun is shining with snow on the ground, christmas is in 6 days, and MOMMA BLAKE arrives today. Stella has the biggest smile ever but when she turns around it gets even bigger. Her and jack were going great. She was very proud of herself letting her let loose and be vulnerable with someone again. Soon enough estella was starting to get up she had to get her mom from the airport soon. Before she could get all the way up jack groaned pulling her back and into him.

"babe i gotta go my moms flight lands at 8 it's 7:15 im already late.

"ugh i don't want you to go"

"me either babe my driver is coming soon, i need to go freshen up after last night" jack had a huge smirk on his face.

"fine call me later babe and take one my sweatshirts it's cold and it will look better on you" jack said as estella gave him a quickly kiss before grabbing one of his hoodies. Right when she was about to leave his apartment jack came up from behind giving her one last kiss before she left.

When she was leaving the apartment complex to her driver waiting there was paparazzi everywhere waiting for her or jack. They swarmed the girl. Immediately her driver got out helping her in. All the paparazzi asked the same question if her and jack were dating and pretty much anything about her movie or jack. Her driver dropped her off outside her building where there was more paparazzi.

Estella got up to her apartment as fast as she could. She quickly took a shower. She then dried her hair as fast as possible. Then put on some makeup. She decided to wear straight jeans and a pink sweater with her hair in two loose braids. She grabbed her pink converse to match her sweater. Before she left she went into ivy's room to see she was still asleep and left her best friend a note. Estella kissed Ronan and bea telling them she would be back soon. She left in a hurry and jumped into her car telling her driver where're to in the airport. Estella couldn't help but wonder why there was paparazzi everywhere. Yes there was occasionally and fans but never like this. Maybe it was the movie that had just been announced or her and jack who knows.


When estella arrived there was already paparazzi there. Next to her driver was the family's body guard. Often not needed for stella but seems like for now it would. He helped her out of the car. Cameras and dozens of questions being asked. She went inside quickly. Luckily the airport was not letting them in. Once stella got in she scanned the room for her mom. Before she could text her mom she felt a tap on her shoulder. She was met with her mom. The two screamed and hugged like it had been years instead of months.

"ITS BEEN SO LONG" stella said basically crying

"i know bug , don't cry you big baby i'm here now aren't i??"

"i know i just missed you so much"

"and i missed so much" her mom said looking at her lock screen of her and jack.

"also paparazzi is a little crazy today, im not sure why"

"nothing we're not use to, let's go!!" her mom said. The pair and the family guard walked out. Before they walked in the car the recently reunited mom and daughter posed for a picture together. Stella was so happy, the happiest she's been in awhile.

Once her and her mom got in the car. They immediately started talking.

"I can't explain how much I missed you mom"

"i know bug me too. till forever it's us"

"sooo how's the fam, i can't wait to go back in a few days"

"everyone's really good, all missing you of course. Ellie is now taking dance. Erika has had some friend drama but we're all helping don't worry" stella couldn't help but feel guilty she wanted to be there to help her sister.

"that's great, im glad everyone's doing good despite erika's friend stuff. She will figure it out she's smart".

"how's acting going!!!??? it just started i know but i can't tell you how proud I am of you babe. Your really growing into a beautiful young woman, your just like me" her mom said taking her daughters hand.

"awwww thank you so much mom. Means ten times more coming from you. It's gonna really great. I love the cast and jack comes and visits me somedays" Stella said smiling even bigger when she mentioned jack.

"YES tell me all about jack, everything everything everything" her mom demands

"okay okay, well i went to that came month maybe even month half ago. Then I followed him on insta he followed me back and we started talking. Eventually he asked me on a date. It went really well I opened up to him about Dean. Dean the ex abusive boyfriend. Then about week half ago he asked me to be his girlfriend. I honestly couldn't be happier. I told him all about my family and literally anything you could think of. I mean mom i can tell him anything and everything without fear of judgement. I can be myself around him. I never loose social battery around him. I can do all the things i love with him. And mom the way his eyes twinkle is so freaking cute I can't. Oh my gosh don't get me started on his smile. HIS SMILE. it gives me butterflies every time I see it mom. He has amazing values in life. He eventually wants kids and his family is super important to him. He face lights up anytime he talks about them. He's so gentle with my cats to." stella said finally ending her rant. There was more she wanted to say but she couldn't put it to words. Her mom was smiling happy for her daughter.

"stel im so so very happy for you. Jack seems absolutely perfect for you bug. your face it's lighting up just the way you talk about him. But i need to meet him. How about tonight?? I know it's short notice but i gotta meet the guy my daughters drooling over"

"okay your gonna love him i know it. I'll text him right now".

Jack 💜

Hey babe, my mom just got in. She's demanding to meet you. She also doesn't want to wait. Is tonight good? She's impatient like me. If not don't worry I know we have only been dating for like a week and half.

Hey! Of course i do. No worries at all. I'll see at 7

Okay great see you tonight lover boy

See you soon stel


I LIVE LOVE THIS CHAPTER. i know jacks not in a lot of it but the way she talks about him UGHHH. i need now. also her and her moms bond. to die for. Anyways hope y'all liked this vote leave comments!! Love u guys!!-r

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