boujie and bitches

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(boujie and bitches)

gracie abrams
"met you at the right time, this is what it feels like. Living in a movie i've watched and funny cause you couldn't have called it"

As estella gets out of the limo immediately jack is right there taking her hand. Following estella is blake and Ryan her parents. As estella's other cast members are also starting to walk the red carpet it is almost estella's turn. There was major celebrities and influencers there. Stella was one of the two main characters in the movie. She spots her producer as he walked over to them. He greeted her parents and introduced himself to jack.

It was time for her to walk the red carpet. She would be walking it with jack close by her side. Estella took one big deep breath in and stepped on the red carpet. Cameras immediately flashing questions being asked.

Estella was quite overwhelmed if she was being honest but this was everything she had ever wanted. For the last few years all she could remember was wanting to make it. Without her parents help. She wanted so badly to make people proud and show everyone she wasn't just chosen because of who her parents were. She was beyond proud of herself. She took one more deep breath in and posed.

Estella got into place posing in muliply directions as she continued that down a little. Finally jack was able to be with her as he joined her side they took photos. He noticed she was nervous and squeezed her hand giving it a quick kiss, stella smiled at the action as they crossed taking pictures. Still on the red carpet estella was to be interviewed now by different channels and other things like that.

Once she was done with interviews it was almost time to go and watch the movie. Jack and her still had their fingers intertwined many photographers taking photos.

"how are you doing baby" jack asked


"i'm really proud of you babe" Jack said as her immediately face lit up

"i love you" Stella said as gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Jack replied back with the same thing as they walked in to see the movie. Estella was nervous she hoped everyone would love it and think more of her then just "blake lively and Ryan's daughter"

After everyone was in their seats. The directer began to talk about him thanking the cast and production crew. Eventually the movie started. Estella was looking around to see everyone's faces most of them seemed happy. However one had a odd looking face almost like he had to poop. Estella let out a quiet giggle, jack looked over smiling. As the movie progressed and eventually ended the audience all stood up clapping. The cast was to all go up on stage as say few words. Estella headed up with her fellow cast mates all of them said a few words then eventually it was estella's turn.

"um wow i don't know how to still process I'm in a movie but thank you so much to Bryan our fabulous director, all of the producers and my amazing cast mates. It has been a pleasure to work with such amazing people. Thanks to my family and my boyfriend. I love you all!! I hope you all liked the movie!!" estella said as they all made way back to there seats eventually leaving.

On the way out jack pulled stella aside quickly.

"that movie was great stel seriously babe. I've seen a lot of movies bur that was really good. Im sure you will be getting calls every hour once it comes out"

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