first impressions

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(first impressions)

Taylor Allison Swift
"you come around armor falls. Pierce the room like a cannonball. Now all we know is don't let go"

       This was it. Jack had met her family and now it was her turn. Despite all the wonderful things jack had told her she still was overflowing with nerves. As her and jack walked in hand in hand jack rubbed her knuckles with his fingers to help reassure her. Jacks mom and dad appeared before them.

"hey mom, hey dad" Jack said as he gave both of his parents hugs. Him and his parents exchanged a few words before he introduced estella.
"this is estella" jack said as he brought her closer to him.

"hi Im estella! It's really nice to meet you both" Estella said putting a hand out to greet them.

"oh sweetie we know who you are, this one never shuts up about you" Ellen says laughing and jack getting a little embarrassed.
"it's wonderful to meet you dear" Ellen said but instead gave the girl a hug which estella appreciated.

"hmm hughes you just can't shut up about me?!" Stella said jokingly earning a laugh from ellen and jim.

"Hey estella really nice to meet you, my wife's right he doesn't ever stop talking about you."

"i hope all good things"

The four talked a little bit before jack and estella went upstairs to settle. As they walked in Estella couldn't help but laugh at little jack playing hockey.

"hey!! Be nice i've never seen you play hockey ms livley"

"right i've never played but you look cute in it especially how your falling over" She said making jack pick her up and throw her lightly on the bed.

"owe jack that hurt help me up" As she said that jack did feel guilty so he went to help her but instead she pulled him down. He landed right next to her. While Estella giggled jack in a swift movement now had her pinned under him.

"you think this is funny?" He said as she just nodded with a smile. Jack couldn't help it and began to kiss down her neck. Estella brought his head up to hers and there lips met. The couple kissed for little bit before she pulled away.

"we cant do this right now babe" she whispered still being under him.

"ughhhhh" Jack said as he mad an annoyed face. Stella kissed him quickly once more.

"i love you" She said still in a whisper tone.

"i love you" He said pulled the two of them up.


They reassumed there un packing. Eventually once they were done they went downstairs to eat dinner. They were having good conversations as they all sat and ate dinner.

"so estella we all watched your most recent movie, it was really good" Jim said

"yeah it was pretty good" quinn added

"Thank you so much, that means a lot!!"

"do you have any other projects coming up, im not to sure what it's called"

"i've gotten a few offers for things but not to sure on them. I don't wanna take a job i'm not 100% for."

"yeah that makes sense" jim says. The five have a more conversations before ellen speaks up.

"are you ready for all the boys tomorrow" she asked estella

"I hope so i grew up with all sisters and few boy cousins so let's hope!!" She said laughing

"oh yeah jack told me you had three sisters, your the oldest right?" Ellen asks

"yep! I love them but they can for sure be annoying at times im sure quinn gets it"

"oh yes i do, not fun at all." quinn states looking directly at jack.

"what are you looking at me for?? i was a great brother still am. What did i do?" jack says in his defense

"more like what haven't you done" Stella said making everyone laugh besides jack. Jack stood up pulling her chair out then picking her up by throwing her over his shoulder.

"jack put the poor girl down" ellen said

"see jack listen to your mother, i strongly agree with her."

"payback stel" jack says as he turns on the sink grabbing the fosset and spraying the water on his girlfriend. Estella shot him " your dead" look and grabbed the water spraying it on him.

"you two are like 5 year olds" quinn says. The whole table is laughing as Jacks three friends walk in unexpectedly. The three stop in their tracks seeing the couple. The two turn around finally to see jacks friends standing there.

"hey what's up guys" jack says laughing and they all do that bro hug thing even if he is a wet.

"i guess we should ask you what's up? Why are you drenched" one of his friends asks. Estella didn't recognize really any of them. She believed the one was Trevor but wasn't completely sure.

"long story man, this is my girlfriend estella reynolds's" Jack says

"hi i'm estella, nice to meet you guys sorry i'm completely drenched blame jack."

"oh yeah i forgot you were bringing her up jack" One of them says

"This is Trevor zegras, Alex Turcotte, and Cole caufeild"  Jack introduces them the three say a mix of greetings.

"well we just wanted to stop by as a surprise by before we see y'all again in few days" Cole says

"wait your dads Ryan Reynolds right?" Trevor says out of no where.

"yeah" she says awkwardly

"that's sick he's freaking hilarious. I guess we'll have to see if your just as funny" Trevor says as they three began to walk out.

"bye guys see you in few" jack says as the guys start to leave.

"bye hughes fam and estella nice to meet you" Cole and Alex say

"bye bye Ryan's daughter and hughes family" Trevor shouts. Estella giggles at what he called her.

"Zegras she has a name and it's estella, hasn't your mom taught you better" ellen shouts.

The five finish up dinner and estella made sure to clean up her and jacks mess. Eventually they all head up stairs. Estella was exhausted same with jack and they both fell asleep rather quickly.


HEYYY!!! sorry took so long i was on spring break and now we're driving back so yeah! This book is over 10k views that's a fever dream. Thank y'all so so so much!! much love!!

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