pancakes and waffles

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(pancakes and waffles)

Ace hood, Future, & rick ross


The next day the couple woke up going down stairs. Estella was happy as can be because she was finally starting to get tan. As they made their way downstairs his family and friends were already there. The boys were going for there morning workout while ellen and estella stayed home.

"good morning love birds" trevor said laughing

"blah blah trev" jack said.

"ready?" jim asked.

All the boys replied with a yes and left. Jack made sure to give estella kiss before leaving. Once they left Ellen spoke up.

"ah finnally some damn peace and quiet"

"hahah that's for sure" Stella replied giggling.

Ellen turned around giving the girl a look that made estella confused.

"what do people call you?" she asked

"what do you mean?"

"we'll i've heard jack call you a few different things so what do people call you" ellen asks

"most estella but my close friends and family call me stella, stel, or some even ella"

"awe that's actually so cute i love ella, is that alright if i call you that?"

"yes it is!"
"your homes really really pretty" stella says

"thank you dear, so are you!!"
"to be honest i love your mom and you look just like her" ellen says

"really? i don't think so most say i do though"

"yeah you for sure do, the fourth is coming up i'd be more then hapoy if you wanted to invite them here for few weeks" Ellen says
"i also get how hard it is being away from family"

"that would actually be really cool and fun. I'll text them today!"

"sounds great!!" she replies
"i have to go shower before i do some work, you alright here?"

"sure am"

"alright see you soon when all those stinky boys come back. Feel free to make anything" Ellen says as she exits.

With that estella decides she will make something. Her grandma taught her how to make many different things. She finds the ingredients for the livleys family pancake and waffle recipe. She starts to make pancakes enough for everyone. Just as she is finishing ellen walks back in.

"hey i made some breakfast, some recipe of my family's, hope that's okay" estella says

"that's more then okay im sure the boys will love that. Smells so good, you need teach me how" ellen says making stella laugh.

Soon enough the boys walk in as ellen and estella are outside just chit chatting about girl stuff. When the boys walk into the kitchen there nostrils are immetditly filled with food.

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