Late Night Love

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These last couple of days have been hectic. I feel like I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, Let me explain what I've been doing. First off my boss has been giving me hell saying that my designs aren't good enough for the new line that comes out in fall. Second I had to plan a whole fashion show in three days which is very hard. And lastly the worst part is that I haven't even gotten the chance to see my bae Calvin.

Tonight is the only time I've gotten to actually relax this week and I'm not going to waste it. you know what that means NAP TIME!

6 hours later

While I'm sleeping I hear a loud knocking on my door which I don't understand because I have a doorbell.

"Ok chill I'm coming." I say walking to the door.

I open the door to find Calvin who once again greets me by kissing me.

"I'm not drunk, I'm just going crazy not seeing you. And I need you Danielle." Calvin says.

I don't say anything, I just pull him in and close the door.

"Kiss me." I say.

Calvin lays we down on my couch and begins to kiss my neck driving me crazy.

"You are sooooo sexy." Calvin says making me smile.

"Wait let's make this sexy." I say stopping Calvin.

"What are you thinking?" Calvin asks.

"We haven't in the kitchen or with fruit." I say.

"This is why I love you." Calvin says.

Calvin begins feeding me strawberries while I'm sitting on the island.

"Is the mood set now?" Calvin asks.

I ignore his question and take his hand leading him to the bedroom.

"ooh so it's like that now?" I hear Calvin says as we walk up the stairs.

I'm sure you can guess what happens next. And a girl never kisses and tells.

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