Ash's Pikachu let's a small smile drift onto his face as he watches his daughter sit peacefully while watching her favourite program.

Delia turns the camera towards herself again as she explains "She woke up a few hours ago and was in quite the panic once she saw how ill Serena looked. Luckily, I managed to settle her down pretty quick."

Ash raises his eyebrow a little as he questions "How did you manage that? Sometimes me and Serena take an hour to get her to stop crying. Even with Pikachu and Sylveon's help."

Delia smirks a little as he answers in a proud tone "I used one of the oldest tricks in the book. I put a bit of ketchup on her dummy."

Ash chuckles a little to himself as he hears about his mother's secret fix. Well I guess you can't beat experience. He turns his head to the side and questions to his first Pokémon "Do you want to speak to her for a bit."

Pikachu nods frantically as he lets off an excited Pika pika!!"

Upon hearing her above father's voice, baby Pikachu springs towards the camera as she takes her dummy out of her mouth. She perches herself on Delia's shoulder as she beams a smile and replies in her native tone "Daddy!"

Ash's Pikachu smiles at his daughter and replies "Hey princess, you okay."

The young Pikachu smiles as she exclaims "I'm okay thanks. Did you see me perform yesterday?"

Pikachu chuckles a little at his daughter's upbeat attitude and replies "I did, and you were a little star on that stage. Congratulations!"

The baby beams a smile and shouts "Thanks daddy! Mommy said I'm getting even better at performing everyday!"

Pikachu smiles greatly at his child and replies "You sure are sweetie, your getting such a big girl. So, you behaving for Delia?"

The baby nods frantically before she exclaims with excitement in her tone "Nanny Delia is the best! She gives me so much more ketchup than Serena does!"

Pikachu's mouth slightly waters with jealousy as he replies "Make sure you save me some!"

The baby smirks and remarks with a hint of sass in her voice "Only if you agree to play tag with me when you get home tomorrow. I want to show you how much faster I've gotten!"

Pikachu chuckles a little before he replies "Of course we can, but only if you go to bed a good girl when Delia says."

The baby nods and shouts "I will daddy! Love you!"

Pikachu beans a bright smile upon being told I love you by his child as he replies "I love you too princess."

With that, baby Pikachu takes her dummy and places it back in her mouth. With the promise of a game of her tag looming , she cuddles into her Eevee plushie and quickly drifts off to sleep.

Ash smiles a little as he exclaims "Well, that solves that problem."

Delia nods and replies "It does, thanks Pikachu."

Pikachu smiles at Delia's praise and lets off a quiet happy "Pika pika."

Delia stretches out a little as she yawns and announces "We'll in that case, I'll be going to bed too. I'll see you back in Kanto Ash. Love you son."

Ash smiles at his mother's words as he replies "I love you too mom."

With that, Ash hangs up his Rotom phone as the feeling of excitement runs through his veins at the thought of getting to see Serena tomorrow.

With the knowledge that the sooner he sleeps, the sooner he gets to see Serena again. Ash does his nightly routine before he climbs into bed, drifting off to sleep as he dreams of the smile Serena is going to give him tomorrow when they meet again.

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