Big Three

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The last few days have been uneventful other than weird dreams the days have been meek and dry.

Bakugo and Midoriya got into a fight causing them both to be on house arrest, well better them than him starting a problem with some other student.

On the day there were released Mr.Aizawa introduced U.A top student top students but they also go by...


(From left to right)

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(From left to right)

Mirio Togata U.A's golden boi

Nejire Hado a free spirit young lady

and finally Tamaki Amajiki the silent lad.

Amajiki stares intensely at the class with empty eyes 

"Its...It's no good." he muttered

Was that a test? if he was trying to be scary he was doing horrible at it 

"Hado, Mirio, It's no use... when I try to imagine them as potatoes everything but their head remains human, I still can't see them as anything but humans."

what kind of cryptic message was this?

"I-I wanna go home."

how exactly did he make the top of his class?

Next is Hado who is way more enthusiastic than her friend who is currently in the corner, she quickly gets side track and begins asking everyone questions. 

Hado is quickly fascinated by shoji she asks why was he wearing a mask and asked if he was sick or just wanted to look cool. before he can respond she turned her attention to todoroki asking how did he get the burn on his face.

Yet again she didn't even let him respond and ask Mina if her horns were cut off would they grow back. She then turns her attention to Buu and asked.

"Other Ashido I heard you really tall how did you get so short?"


"Also what's that thing at the top of your head?"

"I dont-"

"If you can stretch your limbs why don't you just make yourself tall again?

"Why do have holes in your head?"

Nejire quickly turned her attention to Mineta asking him about his balls why buu sat they thinking about his existence his physiology doesn't make sense the more the thinks about it, why doesn't he have hair?

Aizawa then ask Mirio to wrap everything up.

The blonde upper-class man gives a speech about what's to come in the future and how it could potentially get worse, he then wraps up his discussion by challenging the entire class to a fight.

Now he is speaking Buu's language a fight with the strongest student in U.A is going to be fun.


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