A Horrible Ending, A New Begining

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Planet Of The Kai's

The Battle was almost coming to an end, Goku was tired Vegeta was knocked out, and Hercule was being Hercule. Goku had finished Charging up the Spirit bomb but was to weak to finish the job allowing buu to gain the upper hand and push it right back to him. Goku was surprised to see his own attack hurdling toward him.

Dende: "GOKU! we used the third wish to restore your power back to normal."

Goku: "Hey your right! WHOHO it's back." Thank you guys 

As Goku finishes talking he immediately went Super Saiyan and was pushing to spirit bomb back to buu.After a little struggle, he was able to launch back at fast speed. This puts Buu on edge and makes him Furious. The Namekians and the Kais watch in amazement as Goku was beating Majin Buu

North kai Planet

North kai watches proudly as Goku is using the technique that he taught him.

North kai: "I taught him that technique."

King Yama Office

 The red Ogre King Yama Laughed as he lifted in his desk cheering Goku on 

King Yama: "There there boy, hahahahahahha."

Kami's lookout

What was once the place Buu single-handedly Killed everyone on earth and the death of the remaining survivors. was brought back sensing Gokus increasing power.

Gohan: "Hey guys do you feel that?"

Goten: "Is that my Dad?."

Piccolo: "Yes he has his old strength back."


In hell, the former emperor of planets and murderer of the Saiyans race looks unamused as Goku gains the upper hand on Majin Buu Tapping his shoulder, with an unpleasant face

Frieza: "Why am I not surprised..."

While Bibidi is screaming with overjoy standing on a high rock still upset with the fact that buu squished his head like a grape and dropped his body in the ocean like trash.

Bibidi: "this must be what joy feels like.

With all Buus might He was holding back the spirit bomb but he was only delaying the inevitable  The nervous and scared Majinn couldn't do anything it was too strong for him.

Goku: "It looks like it's the end of the road buu, It's a darn shame. When I first met you I could sense that there was good in you. You were like a naughty little child that didn't know any better. Fighting was more of a game than anything else. But then you separated, the evil was expelled the struggle taking place inside of you was on the outside for all to see. And the darkness overpowered the light. After that you were different, You were ruthless, You became a living nightmare and you delighted every moment of it. You didn't even show a shred of decency or mercy. And that's why it has to end like this, You'll have to learn the hard way and learn what it feels like to have your life taken away against your will. IT'S WRONG! Maybe you'll come back someday as...as a better person, I hope. I'd like that. Perhaps we'll have a little one on one."

Buu continues to struggle to delay what will eventually happen to him as Goku gives Buu a good luck sign. 

Goku: "Adios. I will be waiting for you Majin Buu!"

Buu growls in fear and anger as the spirit bomb continues to swallow him 

Dende: "Goku!"

Vegeta: "Kakrot!"

Gohan: "Father!"

Piccolo: "Goku!"

All: "DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With their conversation coming to an end Goku lets loose and finishes The killing machine as buu screams in fear, pain, and anger. The spirit bomb created a huge crater that made a major light show. As buu's screamed in pain as part by part his body was disintegrated. The Evil Majin was gone  

Meanwhile( After android 21 is killed)...

King Yama Office

Goku: "WHAT!? why arent buu and android 21 allowed coming back?"

King Yama: "Well I got a call from the grand priest something to summarize it would be the domino effect if buu was to be brought back and blew his top off again it could possibly result in another buu incident much like Vegeta said when he was about to kill buu. and if this was to happen what do you think would that kid buu do?

Goku: "Um he would-"

King Yama: "most likely attempt to make himself whole again the same thing applies to android 21 and then we will have a stronger kid buu."

Goku:" Come on King Yama we will be prepared if that happens Me and Vegeta have trained a lot since then."

King Yama: "The grand priest isn't taking any chances but I was able to change is mind a little kid buu and android 21 will be reincarnated but not here."

Goku: "Really?! then where?"

King Yama: "they didn't tell me either, Hopefully, they can have a restart in life and change over a new leaf."

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