Entrance Exam

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A few years later

Outside Of U.A

Mina: Come on Buu we made it just in time and avoided any sweet stores so you won't get distracted. Buu arent you excited this is gonna be fun

Y/n: I would be having fun if I wasn't so tired you woke me up early and I wasn't finished sleeping

Mina: By the time you would have woken up the entrance exam could have been over. I hope you prepared I heard we have to fight robots

Y/n: Robots ?

Mina: Yeah that's why I have been training for a few months you have been training to right?

Y/n: ummmmmm


Mina:  Buu I am going to get ready for the Entrance exam in a few months arent you gonna train too?

Y/n: sure I'll do it later

You go back to sleep for a few hours and did one pushup ate some chocolate and went back to sleep. You only trained for 3 days

Y/n: ok I think I am ready 

Flashback end

Y/n: uhh Yeah I trained

Mina: Good we should Get going then. Wait 

Mina stopped and stared at you  while you were just looking back at her in confusion 

Y/n: what is it ?

Mina: Your eyes their white I am pretty sure they were red when you were younger

Mina: Your eyes their white I am pretty sure they were red when you were younger

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A/n: Your eyes will go back to being red soon 

You merely shrugged and continue to walk inside as you do you see a green-haired kid talking to some girl that saved him from falling on his face.

Exam Orientation

 Blonde Guy: What's Up U.A Candidates, ITS ME! your school D.J. Come on let me hear Ya.

The studio was so quiet I can hear myself snoring 

Blonde Man: Keeping it Low huh? That's fine I will just skip to the main show Let's talk about how this particle exam is gonna go down ok? ARE YOU READY?!

The green-haired kid was muttering to himself I couldn't go fully to sleep because mina was trying to keep that from happening, the guy on the stage was loud I did he the green-haired kid say that his name was a present mic and something about radio.

Present Mic. Like your application said, Today  you Rockin boys and girls will be conducting 2 level lockdown in super suburban cities

To be honest  I  didn't bother paying attention to the rest but I did hear something about cities and overheard spikey and greeny talk about friends being split up I didn't bother me because nobody wanted to be friends with me but it turns out they separated me and Mina. The rest was about robots and how we have to crush them and cant attack other students  I guess it won't be so hard.

The Djinn Hero: Majin BuuWhere stories live. Discover now