License Exam

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It's been 4 days and Class 1-A has been continuing to train their super moves what seemed fun at first go boring real quick whenever an ectoplasm clone isn't around buu would fall asleep or play rock paper scissors with his ghost attack. Eventually, It was the day of the exam and a bus had taken the school to a facility

While Class 1-a huddles around you walk off looking at the other students to see if any of them interest you based on their appearance. But your eyes then locked on to someone familiar as if you meet them before but you can't put your finger on it. 

Before you can investigate further since you don't know what they can do that's when someone pulled you by the arm.

"Come on Buu when can't have you wandering off again," Mina said dragging you to the building

Apparently, all 1,540 participants compete in a free for all, and 100 will pass and become official heroes.

The basic rule is that the participants must put three targets on their body that is exposed and everyone is given 6 balls that are to hit said targets. If a person gets the last hit at your target they gain a point. Once you lose all your targets your eliminated

"Got that Buu?" Mina asked to which buu nodded.

Suddenly the building opens up revealing a massive arena with different areas all around Midoriya offers to team up with the rest of the class minus Bakugo and Todoroki, one being stubborn and the other wanting to use his quirk to his fullest. 

that's when the horn goes off and immediately the class is ambushed.

Dozens of balls are hurled at the group buu eyebrows frowned and blasted the balls that were hurled toward him

Dozens of balls are hurled at the group buu eyebrows frowned and blasted the balls that were hurled toward him

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Buu retaliated and  took a deep breathe and spat out 4 ghost

He pointed in which direction to attack and they began flying toward their target. avoiding projectiles.

"DIE!" They cackled.

 coming in close off finally exploding destroying the pillars that gave the other students the high ground

The barrage of balls stopped and Shindou smirked. "Guess U.A won't go down without a fight" His gaze turned toward the Majin. "Is that Buu? Why the heck does he look like that, he is half his size. 

" Everyone stand back I'm going to separate them." Shindou then placed his hands on the ground. "Maximum Force! Tremoring Earth."

The ground rumbled and collapsed on itself pieces of the earth began to scatter along with class 1-A. seeing this buu instinctively flies up avoiding the attack.  Buu turns his head toward the waterful and watches closely for movement. His eyes lit up with glee when he saw people to play with.

Midoriya reached his hand out toward the Majin"Buu w-wait."But he didn't listen.

 he flew toward in search of people to play with. May God have mercy on their soul. 


Two students begin duking it out eventually one mindlessly punches a small mountain causing it to collapse on everyone nearby until it was stopped by a small pink monster. Holding the mountain with just a hand.

Buu then pushed it aside and landed with a sinister smile ready to fight

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Buu then pushed it aside and landed with a sinister smile ready to fight. Not wasting any time one guy decided to step up and attack the newcomer.

"Stand back this guy is mine." A seven-foot-tall student with the appearance of a moose charged at him.

he reeled his fist back and punched buu right in the face. And he didn't even move, there was just a small bruise on his forehead. Buu smiled sinisterly and casually moved the guy's fist from his face. he then punches him in the gut and throws him into the lake nearby. It was then time for Buu to assert his dominance.

A/n: Click here for the scream I found it on TikTok and thought it would fit the mood

Everyone couldn't help but cover their ears in pain. His scream could be heard across the arena others were confused and some Immidieatly recognized it. They then realized who this was.

The Pink skin. The blood-red -eyes. The sharp teeth and the sinister smile. Majin Buu.

"No way, it can't be him, can it? That guy was 8ft tall not this short stack." One guy mentions

"Wake up to reality he took a punch from big Jim's, Either he was holding back or this guy is the real deal." He responded.

"Our chances of passing just got even lower, if we want to win we got take out that monster!". He said aloud.

 He said aloud

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The Djinn Hero: Majin BuuWhere stories live. Discover now