Ruthless Joker

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Bakugo went on his own Tenya is guarding the weapon, But Izuku is doing really well against Bakugo without using his quirk hopefully I get to fight him when it's my turn. Midoirya ran away from Bakugo I didn't see that coming, now its a game of hiding and seek,  Baugko found Izuku, Good I wanna see some action

Izuku pov

Izuku: Kachan I am not scared of you anymore

Bakugo: Since your such we been in the same class, you should probably know how my quirk works by now I secrete nitroglycerin from my hand and make it blow up. Imagine if I had a lot of it, That right the gauntlets aren't just for show they have been charging for a mega blast!

Y/n Pov

Y/n: well this isn't going to end well

All Might: Young bakugo Don't do it YOU'll kill him

Bakugo: He will be all right if he dodges

The entire room shook as he fired his grenade that kid is crazy

All might: Come In, COME IN MIDORYIA!!!

small time skip

Redhead: Sir isn't this getting out of hand the bakugo is  crazy he gonna kill him

Y/n: Crazy is an understatement I was thing darn right insane

All might: Not so...  Bakugo do that and your team will lose

Another time skip

random voice: this Is to hard to watch he has to wrap take around him not kill him

Birdman: Bakugo is certainly acting like a villain

Thunder kid: Midoriya is outmatched Bakugo seems to be a natural at this stuff

Midoriyra outsmarted Bakugo again and gave Ochacho the upper hand in touch the device, That was pretty smart I wish I was as smart as that... 


All Might: despite the results, the Mvp of this exercise is young Iida

Everyone: what?

Frog girl: shouldn't it be one of the heroes since they were the winners?

All Might: Vailid question. who can tell my why i didn't pick one of the heroes

Smart girl: sir  Iida embrace this challenged and adapted to the assign roll 

Time skip (a/n: just gonna skip the explanation

Smart Girl: One should always start with the basics and develop a depth of learning 

Present Mic: Momo Yaoyorozu one of the students that go in with recommendations.

All might: OK NEXT ROUND

Ice and octopus fished really quick, iceman carried through by freezing the building.

Y/n: that match was pretty fast

Everyone did pretty well guess it my turn after Mina and shiny man

All Might: All right Y/n your up are you sure you don't want to give the heroes less time

Y/n: Buu knows what he's doing 

All might: all right then i will select a random team to go against y/n

A/n: Did wheel decide it's Ojiro and hagakure

You merely squatted and waited for the heroes to come to you, it would be stupid even for you to take the fight to them

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