The Symbol Of Peace (Remake)

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3rd pov


??? : "As expected of the number four hero, Best Jeanist. I thought I'd blown everyone away. To be able to manipulate everyone's clothes and pull them to the side in an instant--That quick decision-making... and skill... You must have nerves of steel."

Best Jeanist then uses his Quirk as he tries to attack the mysterious figure, but the figure shoots some sort of air cannon as it pierces right through Jeanist's stomach.

All For One : "I see. This is strength from a huge amount of practice and practical experience. I don't need yours... It's a Quirk that doesn't go with Tomura's dispostion."

Todoroki : "What's with this guy?"

Kirishima : "He erased them all in an instant!"

Momo: "We must run...! I know this, but..."

Iida: "I'm so scared, my body... "

Midoriya : " body... won't move... What... in the world... was that?! "

Suddenly they hear what seemed to be a splash of water, familiar voice and something heavy hitting the ground.

Bakugo: "Damn it... the hell...!"

Midoriya: "Kacchan...! Y/n...! "

All For One: "Sorry, Bakugo."

Bakugo and Buu hear more splashes as they turn around and see the black sludges from before and the villains coming out from them.

Toga : "What the--?"

Twice : "It stinks! Smells good!"

Shigaraki : "Master..."

All For One : "You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought your associates back as well. Even this child. Because you judged that Bakugo was an important piece. Do it as many times as you need to. That is why I am here. It's all for you."

Y/n Pov

Where are we now... smells like outside... and blood someone is bleeding if I can just open my eyes...what is going on... wait... why... Midoriya?! No it cant be last time i saw him his arms were broken... if he isnt here why do i smell Iida,Kirishima, Todoroki and... hmm someone else i cant really tell.

???: "Ah there you are."

Everyone froze with fear but buu got ready to fight but he wasn't talking to them, The Symbol of peace came crashing down attacking the man.  


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