Fat Gum Agency

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Ok guys we have a tie, if you didn't vote please do  

I'm waiting

Great now own with the story

Ochaco: "It's so weird that people recognize us from TV."

Mina: "Everyone wanted to talk to me on the way here."

Kirishima: "Yeah me too!"

Y/n:" People called me crazy and or insane for the stunt I pulled on c/n it was worth it in the end."

 Everyone began to chatter among themselves  about the sports festival and how popular they have become until the door opened to reveal a fully healed Aizawa

Aizawa: "Morning."

Class: "Good Morning"

Tsu: " Mr.Aizawa your wounds have healed I am glad"

Aizawa:" The old lady went overboard on her treatment. Anyway, today we are going to be having a special hero informatics."

The  entire class  tensed up some expecting a pop quiz

Aizawa:" You're going to have to make code names"


Aizawa activated his quirk glaring at everyone to be quiet

Aizawa: "This is Related to the Pro hero draft I mentioned last time we were here. They usually go after 2nd or 3rd years but because they have more experience and could be important assets for pros. The fact that they went for first years is that they see lots of potential in your future. The offers do decline with graduation anyway here are your offers."

Aizawa pressed a button revealing the number of offers. Todoroki got the most with 4123, Bakugo got 3556 I got 2576 offers I guess people don't want a kid who blows himself up.

Aizawa:" In the past, it was usually more spread out but theirs a pretty big gap this time"

The class began to talk among themselves about the offers they had from heroes

Aizawa: "But keep in mind you all are going to be interning with heroes regardless. You already experienced fighting villains at the USJ. But it will be a good opportunity to pro in action. While your names are temporary but take them seriously o-"

Midnight: "You'll have hell to pay later" Midnight entered the classroom interrupting Mr.Aizawa." What you pick today could be your code name for life so choose wisely"

Aizawa: "Midnight will be the one checking your names since it's not my strong suit, keep in mind your name presents an image of  yourself and what you represent."

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