Chapter 56: The Masterclass Showcase

Start from the beginning

Gary sighs at Ash's clouded mind and exclaims in a harsh tone "Ash, take your feelings for her out of the situation for a second. We know she's fine but her medical records don't look great after the Mewtwo incident."

Ash takes a second to mull over Gary's point before he responds with a more serious look on his face "I see, but why Serena? Why does she need to win?"

Gary matches Ash's look as he explains to his best friend "It sounds like they want to use her popularity for their gain, and it sounds a little like they're suggesting they're going to have full control over her life. Controlling what she does and how much free time she has."

Ash's eyes widen in shock as he shouts "Wait what!?"

Gary folds his arms and continues "The CEO said they wanted to make a lot of money from her. When this women questioned by what he means, he gave a blunt response. They could be trying to take advantage of her Ash, with some sort of contract clause. If she wins they may be trying to exploit her fame, popularity and her trust for all it's worth. After the women questioned them, the CEO threatened to fire her if Serena lost."

Ash places a serious look on his face upon hearing Gary's words. He looks at his best friend and exclaims "Let me see that video."

Gary nods and pulls out his phone to show Ash the recording. Ash listens it and sure enough, Gary wasn't lying. The showcase board definitely have plans for his girlfriend that aren't of her best interest.

As the video ends, he feels an anger rise up in his body as he clenches his fists and grits his teeth. His body shakes slightly with anger as he exclaims with venom in his tone "If they even lay a finger on her, I'll hurt each and every one of them. I swear to Arceus, I won't anyone take advantage of her."

Gary nods in agreement with Ash and questions "So, we go and kick their ass and bring down this showcase before anyone can do anything?"

Ash thinks about Gary's words for a second. While he wants to act on instinct and go in swinging. If he ruins the competition for Serena over a simple rumour, he could never forgive himself.

In the end, he decides not to act recklessly and replies through gritted teeth "No."

Gary frowns slightly at Ash's statement as he questions "Why not Ashy boy? I'm not afraid of some cooperate suits. We can easily take them."

Ash takes a long sigh before he explains in a much more measured tone "Gary, it's Serena's big day. We can't just ruin everything off of one conversation. We need to stay vigilant though. If she's in trouble, I'll hear it through our connection. I'll make sure I keep watch of her through aura as much as possible. If something does happen and we need to act, I hope you'll be there to give me a hand. I'll need all the help I can get."

Gary let's off a reassuring smile, slightly surprised by Ash's maturity in this situation as he replies "Of course Ashy boy, I'll keep an eye out."

The two friends nod to each other in understanding of the situation. They both are on the same page when it comes to any potential threat.

Suddenly, they are snapped out of their thoughts as they hear the shower turn off, meaning Serena will be out in a few moments.

Ash puts a serious look on his face and states "You better go, and not a word to the others. It's best not to worry them."

Gary nods in agreement with the Alola champion and replies "Okay Ashy boy. I'll see you tomorrow."

Gary takes his leave and exits the room, leaving Ash alone to contemplate what just happened. Ash wants to act on instinct, but he can't do anything without solid evidence or without being absolutely sure he's not ruining Serena's chances in the competition. All he can do for now is be there, and do what is necessary when the time comes.

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