Author's note

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Hello! This is my first ever story I've written.

I just wanted to thank all of you for giving my book a chance, I'll do my best to allow your comments improvise the book whilst having ideas of my own.

I promise I won't go MIA without a reason and if I do,  I'll tell you all before  hand and I will be coming back.

Please don't copy this book, I spend my time writing chapters and things like that. These are also my own ideas.


Mentions abuse,
Mafia related topics,
Guns, knives,
Street racing,
Mentions overeating (not in an ED way, more of a teasing way.
Mentions of undereating.

There will be warnings at the top of most chapters and also before it'll be mentioned but I just wanted to let people know.

I probably won't write SMUT because I cannot write any of those type things without cringing so hard.

I know this book may be similar to others but I've been writing for around 2 years now and finally decided to upload one to an app.
The storyline is my idea, and so are the characters!

My old books are just pretty cringe so I've never really put them out there but this time I'll make sure to edit chapters and ensure they make sense. I've had this idea for a while so some of the plot is already planned and all.

But with that, enjoy the story!


First chapters are quite low quality and bad, but I promise it gets better!

It also may be a bit cliche but they're alot of plot twists and adventurous journeys!! Everything in this book is most likely not coincidences..

This will be an extremely unique story with it's own Ideas. Things in my book are not copied from other authors and are all improvised and original.

I write for fun, I don't appriciate being pressured; however, if I create a deadline for a chapter and it's not out by that time, then I don't mind.

Andd.. I'll always be making little updates to banners, covers and chapters, so if something is different, I appriciate opinions and feedback! There will be 2 books to finish Azalea's journal.

Please, please don't be a silent reader. Comments and votes seriously motivate me!!

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