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On the day of prom, school passed by very quickly. It was already time to get ready. My friends and I were scrambling in Devi's room, putting on makeup and tightening our dresses.

I really liked mine, especially the shade of red that it was. I applied a light layer of blush to my face, also adding the rest of my makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror in pride, loving my prom look.

I sat on the vanity chair, waiting for my friends to finish up. Devi twirled in her dress a little bit, and I looked at her in approval. Hers was a pretty flower themed dress.

"Is the limo here yet?" Eleanor asked in a panic, rushing out of the bathroom.

"I think so. But don't rush yourself, Eleanor," I answered.

In a matter of minutes, we were already ready for prom. Of course, our parents took plenty of pictures of us and then we climbed into the back of the limo.

We talked about everything you could think of, until Devi appeared stressed the second we brought up college. She even began drinking.

"Devi what's wrong? You got into every Ivy League, right?" Fab questioned, looking at Eleanor and I unsure.

The limo suddenly began shaking and all of us screamed as it swerved. I held onto Devi for support as the limo crashed onto the side of the rode.

We all breathed heavily, trying to figure out what just happened.

We could of just died.

Our ride to prom just crashed.

How we were going to get to prom?

"Are you girls alright back there?" the driver yelled.

"Not really!" Devi retorted.

We all climbed out of the limo shakily as we looked at the tires which clearly needed to be replaced with new ones.

The night we had been looking forward to all of HighSchool was completely ruined. No arriving in a fancy limo. And maybe no arriving at all.

"I'm going to have to try and walk down to the town and see if I can get help," the driver announced.

"But by the time we get help prom will be over!" Eleanor exclaimed in horror.

"I'm sorry..." he said before beginning his journey.

All of us sat on the side of the road by the limo hopelessly. I had already imagined dancing with Ethan, but now it was ruined.


We had been sitting there for a while until a car pulled up next to us. "Who's that?" Fab whispered.

The car felt familiar, but I couldn't quite remember who the owner was. All of us sat in anticipation. Maybe the limo driver was back with help?

But the person who stepped out of the driver's side shocked me. I ran into his arms with the biggest smile on my face. His suit looked so good on him.

"Ethan," I mumbled, hugging him tighter.

After a few moments, he stepped towards the limo and then looked back at me. "What happened?"

"It crashed," I explained.

"What are you guys waiting for? Get in."

I climbed into the passenger's seat, and my friends went in the back three seats of the car.

"You really saved us, Ethan," I said with a smile.

"I was so worried about you." He looked at me and then down at my dress. "You look gorgeous, sweetheart."

I blushed, as my friends made some concerned faces in the back. I looked at Devi and mouthed shut up.

We were going to prom after all.

bad boy•ethan morales✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang