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"Ethan. Did you steal her wallet?"

Ethan shifted uncomfortably and looked down in guilt. His eyes were sad and staring into mine. He was struggling to form words.



He put his hands up in defense. "I was doing it to help you! She was a total bitch!"

"It's not right to steal. I can't be with you after this."

I went to leave, but Ethan grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave me, sweetheart. Please."

"Ethan, I just can't be around you right now."

I broke free and left the closest, standing in the hallway. I had to return the wallet to the Princeton lady. The room she was working in was just down the hall.

I could throw the wallet in the nearby plant and run, or I could do the right thing. And I knew I had to make the right choice.

Nervously, I knocked on the door of the Princeton lady's office. She opened it, surprised to see me staring back at her.

"Uh, hi. I kind of found your wallet."

I decided to leave out the party where Ethan stole it in case she would turn him in to the police. She nodded, taking it from me.

"I've been looking for this all day! Where did you find it?"

"Oh, just over there by the plant."

"Thank you, y/n."

After I left, I wondered why she didn't question me more. She didn't even seem to suspect that I stole it.

When I got home, I was beginning to regret leaving Ethan like that. But it wasn't like we were really dating. He said it was fake. I wasn't sure if I was going to try and talk to him again.

I didn't want to ignore him forever because of a wallet, but I at least wanted him to realize what he did wrong. Sure, he was trying to help me, but he was unable to realize right from wrong.

I was honestly terrified to face him in school tomorrow. I wasn't sure if he would try and make up right away, or if he would be mad.

And after all this time, I was growing sick of being in a fight with Devi. She hasn't  made any effort to apologize. But there was nothing for me to apologize for. So she had to be the one to start it.

My finger hovered over Ethan's contact on my phone, but I decided against it. It would be best to see how he was tomorrow.

bad boy•ethan morales✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ