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I walked into school the next day, wondering if Ethan would come over to me first. And he did. I was standing in front of my locker as he came walking over with a smirk plastered on his handsome face.

Ethan kissed me in front of all the other students in the hallway who gasped. I smiled, kissing him back. It wasn't that hard to put up an act.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," I giggled.

"Want to go somewhere Devi will definitely see us?"

I nodded, and followed him. We sat on the same chair together, intertwined. His hand roamed my body and he smirked when he saw my friends walk into the room.

Devi looked like she was about to faint. She whispered to Eleanor and Fab. I felt bad for my other two best friends, who were stuck in the middle of this. But they clearly chose Devi over me, which made me just the littlest bit furious at them.

A teacher walking by gave me a small wave, which I returned. Ethan looked at me and then at her, and flipped her off.

So, Ethan was not very respectful towards adults. But he had other redeeming qualities...

"Ethan, you can't do that."

"Why not? I told you I'm a bad boy," he smirked.

I cringed a bit at his title for himself. I had to hope that this was part of our act. "Oh shut up," I said, before kissing him.

Eleanor walked over to us, a concerned look on her face.

"Not to interrupt, but I think Devi's going to kill you."

"Not on my watch," Ethan replied for me.

I could see Devi staring us down. She was crossing her arms, and talking to Fabiola. She really had to get over all of this. The world wasn't going to end because she couldn't have Ethan.

Once Eleanor walked away, Ethan and I continued. He really didn't care about doing anything in public.

Even though this was supposed to be fake, it felt extremely real. He seemed so genuine and passionate about me, that I couldn't believe he was just pretending. Was I pretending either?

Tomorrow was early college admissions. Everyone would finally have the chance to talk to people from their dream college, and that included me.

Devi and I were very competitive best friends, not just because of boys, but also because of the college we wanted to attend.

We had both wanted to attend Princeton since forever, and had always argued who would get the likely one spot they would offer to a student in this school.

Tomorrow I would finally have my chance. I had a feeling Devi wouldn't hold back, especially since we were mad at each other. And sometimes you don't want to see what a mad Devi can do.

I hoped Ethan wouldn't wreck anything with his "bad" status. He wasn't nice to adults, which could include anyone from Princeton.

Although I could feel myself falling for Ethan, I couldn't let him get in the way of college.

"I've got to go. Meet me in the parking lot during lunch. I'll show you a trick on my skateboard," he winked, walking away from me.

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