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I arrived at Ethan's house and knocked on the door. He answered almost immediately, shutting the door behind him.

We stood face to face on his porch, and I looked at him. Ethan didn't look hurt or anything. He just looked unhappy.

"y/n, I'm sorry. I don't think it's working out."

Well that was certainly not what I was expecting.

"Ethan, what?"

"I think we need to break up."

My heart shattered at that very moment. He looked apologetic, but it wasn't helping me at all. I thought our relationship was going good. He even said that he would make sure to make our long distance relationship work.

Just yesterday he was telling me how he would go crazy without me. What happened?

I tried to think about all of the recent times I saw him. Did I do something? Did I mess up? I didn't know why he was doing this suddenly.

This wasn't like him.

"Why?" I asked softly.

Ethan frowned. "I just think it's for the best."

My voice began to raise out of pure anger and sadness. "I mean, what the hell Ethan? You want to break up just because you feel like it?"

The guilt in his eyes was overwhelming.

"It's crazy to think that I was just realizing that I loved you."

A small gasp escaped from his lips. "You do?"

"Yeah. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Paxton was right," I snapped.

"Right about what?"

"You were just going to break my heart. What was I thinking falling for the bad boy, the heartbreaker, and the most infamous member of the Hot Pockets in school?"

I was probably being a little harsh, but I tended to be like that when I was mad.

Now Ethan was starting to get angry. "You broke my heart when you kissed Paxton, did you ever think about that?"

I really didn't. I could feel the tears in the corner of my eyes.

"Ethan... I said I'm sorry for that. It's the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry. This is really for the best, I promise you."

"Bullshit," I muttered, storming away from Ethan's porch with small tears rolling down my cheeks.

I wasn't sure if he was attempting to talk to me anymore. I didn't care what he had to say. He broke my heart.

I really never thought he would. I wanted to prove Paxton and my friends wrong; I wanted to show them that he wasn't the troublemaker they thought he was.

But they were clearly right.

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