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"Devi, I'm going to head to the early admissions party. Just follow behind me, alright?"

Devi was nervous to go into the party with me, since she technically wasn't invited. I hadn't seen Devi this upset or heartbroken in such a long time.

She was usually such an outgoing and confident person who never seemed to act upset in front of her friends. She always acted tough in front of us. Most of the time.

I felt so bad that I might be going without her, and the only thing I could do to make it up to her was find out who else got in.

Devi followed behind me, and I scanned the crowd. There was a virtual sign with names being written across it for being accepted into specific universities.

Before I could look at the next name announced, I spotted someone odd in the crowd. Fabiola. Fab had told us she applied to Yale, and texted us that she didn't get accepted.

She wanted to go to Yale since she was interested in robotics. After all, she was captain of the robotics team.

"What's Fab doing here?" I whispered to Devi.

Devi's eyes focused on her, her expression changing to confusion. "I don't know. Let's go talk to her."

Both of us walked over to Fabiola. "Fab, what are you doing here?" I asked.


"Did you really apply for Yale?" Devi asked her angrily.

Our conversation was interrupted with an abrupt sound of cheering from the crowd of students at the celebration.

Fabiola's name went across the screen and it was announced that she was attending Princeton University. Wait, Princeton?

"Fabiola?!" Devi gasped.

Fab must have been lying this whole time. To Devi, Eleanor, me, and everybody she had told. I couldn't believe this.

The worst part was that she was never even interested in Princeton. Whenever Devi spoke about it, she didn't really care.

"Since when did you want to apply to Princeton?" I interrogated.

Fabiola ran away, not answering either one of us. Ethan came rushing out, and looked at Devi and I in confusion.

"What happened?"

"Fabiola's a liar," I muttered.

Ethan put his arms around me. "She doesn't deserve you, baby." He then turned to Devi. "Sorry about Princeton."

"Thanks Ethan," Devi said with a small nod.

Ethan and I walked away arm in arm. "I've been meaning to ask you- are we official?" I asked innocently turning to Ethan.

"Yes. Yes we are."

He kissed me, and I felt my whole body go numb. But in a good way. It was good to know that I was really with Ethan now. I was so worried that he didn't completely feel the same way.

My car ended up being fixed, and everything was going great. Until Fabiola came running into the classroom I was in after Ethan left.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me. But Ethan did something that you might want to know about," she said.

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