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I sat in class, Ethan at the desk behind me. The teacher was talking about nothing but boring things, and I was stuck trying to figure out my love situation.

There was a soft tugging at my hair. It felt like someone was running their hands through it. I turned around, and Ethan was. His fingers were twirling my hair around, and I felt my heart melt.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Pay attention to the teacher, sweetheart."

I felt myself obeying and turning around as he continued. But unless I got a real apology from him, I knew I shouldn't let him get away with what he did so easily.

The door creaked open, revealing Paxton. The teacher paused to look at him. "Can I borrow y/n?"

"Sure?" the teacher said, clearly wondering why.

I thought about rejecting, but could I really just say no? If any other teacher did this, I would feel like I had to.

Devi and Eleanor looked at me with encouraging nods. And the look on Ethan's face was almost priceless. He looked furious.

I got up out of my seat and followed Paxton out of the room. Maybe it was right to make Ethan more jealous after what he did to me.

Paxton led me to an empty hallway.

"Why'd you pull me out of class?" I asked curiously.

Paxton leaned against the wall and smiled. "Cause I wanted to see you."

"Paxton! You can't just pull me out of class for that!" I gasped.

"It's fine, it's fine. I probably won't get fired," he said sarcastically. He moved closer. "But I really just missed you, y/n."

"That's really sweet, Pax."

Paxton smirked. "Want to go somewhere more private?"

I thought about Ethan, but then nodded. It couldn't hurt. I followed Paxton to one of the larger empty closets, and he then closed the door. I really hoped no teachers would catch us and get us both in trouble.

Both of us stood there for just a few moments, but it quickly became intense. Ever since Paxton came back as a teacher, I only saw him as sweet. But I was quickly remembering how hot he was.

I backed up as Paxton's hands were at my waist. He smiled as he looked me up and down, and I looked at him nervously.

"Can I kiss you?"

I wasn't really sure what to say. I would rather kiss Ethan. Or would I? Maybe I did want to kiss Paxton. All of these different feelings were so confusing to me.

They must of been confusing enough to cause me to gently and slightly nod my head yes. Paxton leaned in, and our lips touched.

My hand found it's way up to his face, and he continued kissing me until I did the same back.

The door creaked open. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ethan standing there.

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