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A few days had passed. We had just graduated from the high school we've spent years in. I was currently in my graduation robe and cap, trying to find my friends to take pictures with.

Our parents were there, snapping pictures of Devi, Eleanor, Fab, Aneesa, Ben, and I. I hugged
Devi and she smiled.

"We need a picture of our two Princeton girls!" my mom smiled.

Devi and I separated from the rest of our friends, having a separate photo shoot all to ourselves. I was so glad that we were both able to get over our fight about Ethan. I don't know what I would do without Devi.

I finally finished pictures with my friends, my heart aching about Ethan. If the breakup didn't happen, we would be here together taking a picture and smiling.

I would be introducing him to my parents, and we would be saying goodbye for the summer until we of course went on a date the next week. We would be spending the whole summer together before I left for Princeton.

Then I saw him. I saw him standing just a few feet away, smiling in his own graduation down and cap.

He saw me too. We made slight eye contact. Then my mom noticed him. "Is that Ethan?" she exclaimed, assuming based off the brief descriptions I gave her of him.

Since she was busy, I didn't get to tell her that we broke up, and we were back to enemies at this point.

"Yeah. But mom, wait-"

My mom was already calling Ethan over, and surprisingly, he listened.

"y/n's told me so much about you! She really loves you, Ethan."

I flushed in embarrassment, knowing that I had said those things in the past, and I would never tell anyone those things now.

"It's nice to meet you. Yeah, y/n's great." he smirked in my direction.

"You two have to get a picture! Get close!"

I moved over to Ethan awkwardly, not wanting to be that close to him. It reminded me of before. But he moved closer at my mom's request.

His arm wrapped around me, and I faked a smile as my mom snapped a series of pictures.

"I never told her we broke up. So don't think this makes us ok," I muttered.

"Stop trying to pretend like you don't love me anymore."

"All done! I'll let you two talk."

I groaned. If only I had told her before what happened between Ethan and I. I wouldn't be stuck talking to him just a few days after our breakup and his excuse of Paxton threatening him.

"I really don't, Ethan. Our relationship was going so well until you decided to tear it all up," I retorted.

Ethan looked hurt, but he still kept on his smirking confident face. He always tried to be the cocky one.

"I was doing it to protect you!"

"Can we not do this on our graduation day? I mean, this is special to me, Ethan!" I shouted.

Maybe I shouted too loud, because some people seemed to hear me.

"Fine. I'm sorry."

He walked away, and I regretted what I said a little bit. Just a little bit. Because even with everything that's happened, I still love him.

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