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"Paxton, don't," Ethan threatened.

Paxton stood there in front of us innocently. He didn't seem like he was here to fight. Not this time.

"Listen, I just want to talk, man."

Ethan wasn't backing down, so I gave him a small nod, letting him know that it was alright to listen to him.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. y/n, I really like you, but I just got really carried away with it. And I took that out on you, Ethan, since she's your girlfriend."

I actually found this really sweet of Paxton. Sometimes people just get carried away, and this seemed like one of those times. And I knew that it wasn't just Paxton who acted crazy at times; Ethan did too.

"Paxton, it's ok."

"I'm leaving for college when everyone else does this fall. I'm going to really become a teacher."

I smiled, and gave Paxton a small hug. "Good luck."

And with that, everything felt like it was at peace again. Ethan and I were back together, and we were both good with Paxton.

It was a shame to know that I would be loosing all of this in the fall. All of those people. My family, my friends, my boyfriend....

Of course, I'd be rooming with Devi. But Ethan would be halfway across the country, and the rest of my friends would be busy with their own futures.

But Ethan and I would make it work. We had to.

"Do you wanna dance now?" Ethan whispered.

I nodded, my arms wrapping around his neck as both of our bodies synced to the music. It was like there was no one else there. I just saw Ethan.

He made some mistakes, but everyone does. He was truly the one for me. This wasn't just some high school love; I saw my future with him and him only.

When the party ended, he walked me to my car. "I've missed you," I said.

"Me too. We have to see each other again. Soon."

I agreed. We needed to spend as much time as we could before I left for college. God, I'm going to be a mess without him.

"Does tomorrow work for you?" I asked with a smirk.

His hand brushed against mine. "It does. Want to come to my house?"

It had been so long since I've been there. But why not? I nodded again, finally saying a farewell to Ethan as I climbed into the driver's seat of my car.

I blasted music as I drove through the dark streets. I was so surprised that Ethan and I were able to mend our relationship that quick. I still wondered if he was telling the truth as to why he ignored me for that long.

Maybe it was just better in person to work things out. I wished for all of this to happen sooner, but at least it happened.

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