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"What about-" I began to suggest.

"There are no good ideas!" Devi groaned, falling onto her bed.

I was currently in Devi's bedroom, trying to help her with her essay for Princeton. She was struggling a lot, and I offered to help since I could say I was pretty good at writing and English.

Devi's laptop was on her desk, still not one word typed on it. I had been trying to help her come up with an idea to write up for the past hour, but we haven't been successful at all.

My phone was buzzing with messages from Ethan, which I ignored. I felt bad, but I needed to focus on helping Devi.

I thought about what was special to her. What made her, well her.

I finally thought of something. Her dad was so important to her. He died years ago, at one of the spring concerts for school. She had been so traumatized, that she wasn't able to walk for the longest time.

But he made her who she was today. It was honestly very inspiring.

"What about something to do with your dad?"

Devi's face lit up. "That might actually be perfect. He's the one who inspired me to go to Princeton in the first place!"

Devi suddenly hugged me, and I felt warm at her embrace. My arms wrapped around her and we pulled back with smiles on our faces.

"You're going to get in. I just know it, Devi."

After some more working on Devi's essay, I had to leave. It was Sunday, so it was a school night. It happened to be the start of our last week at Sherman Oaks High.

It felt so unreal that we would be going off to college this year.

I was walking home when I finally decided to check the messages that Ethan was sending me. My face dropped, seeing how many messages there were.

And my face dropped even more when I saw what the messages were. They were a series of texts asking for me to come over to his house right away. And a lot of them were sent over a half hour ago.

I silently cursed to myself, beginning to go to Ethan's house as fast as I possibly could. I didn't know what he needed, but he could be in trouble, or worse. And I didn't want anything to happen to him.

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