Bittuji pursed his lips as they formed a smile, nodding.

RK let out a sigh. "Not even under the same roof, yet still a nuisance. Well, it's still better than the Bhatia Group of Badmaash Company being here," and he took a swig of his drink.

"How very true, chief," Bittuji chuckled.

"Continue keeping an eye on them. The last thing I need is some stupid gossip column picking up their bullshit and then stringing me to it," RK scowled.

"Of course, chief."

"That's all for tonight Bittuji, go home."

Bittuji nodded, then headed out. Taking his tumbler with him, RK headed to the dining room. All of the food was spread out on the table, ready to be eaten by him. A few workers stood nearby in case he needed anything while he ate, and when he was done, they quickly cleared the table and cleaned up, then went home for the night, locking up behind.

RK made his way into his room and got ready for bed. Once he was all changed up, he made himself comfortable under the covers and turned off the lights. However, RK found himself staring up at the ceiling in thought. In fact, he was thinking of the woman with the very filmy name and how she had been crying earlier.

What an odd woman, he thought to himself. How does one go from insulting a person, and then crying over that very same person? She's absolutely crazy, this Madhubala.

The image of her from the first time he had seen her filled his mind, remembering her each and every expression. He even remembered the way she had tried to admonish him just the other day.

You truly are something else, Miss Madhubala Shamsher Malik. No one else has dared to speak to RK the way you did. And those who attempted to have been completely ruined by me.

A smug smirk took over his lips.

What should I do to you?

But then he remembered the way she had cried to him earlier, bringing back that small pang in his heart.

Fine - despite what people may think of me, I'm not that terrible of a monster. You realized your mistake, so for that, I won't have you fired from my movie... for now.

Another image of Madhu took over his mind, from when he had glanced over at her and seen her smiling brightly with his co-star. In fact, he'd seen her smiling with others on several occasions. For the most part she always had a smile on her face.

That is, except when she was around him.

Why am I even thinking of her? Do I have some form of brain damage? Enough RK, stop thinking about her and go to sleep, and he cleared his mind and dozed off to sleep.


The following day when RK arrived on set, he had made it a rule with himself that he would not think of the woman with the very filmy name, because unfortunately for him, as soon as he had woken up, the first thing he had thought of was her. It truly irked him that that had happened, and so he had warned himself.

For some time, he was doing just fine, focusing on the script and preparing to deliver his lines. However as soon as his costar came on set, so did the woman with the very filmy name, and his eyes had immediately trailed to her - only to find that hers were already on him. RK inwardly smirked to himself, unable to help it.

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