Kirby's scrapped ideas! (Not Important Whatsoever!)

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the quick easter special idea:

Where: Popstar, Dreamland. Tiff's room.

Time: 5:59 PM


Tiff: *Sigh* "What book can I read to find a way to get Sir Meta Knight and Kirby back??"

Tiff had a mountain of books next to her on the floor. Apparently she read all of them, and was trying to find that special one that can help her bring the two star warriors back.

The door opened quickly. Tiff turned around to see who opened it, and apparently it was Tuff with a huge smile on his face.

Tuff: "Hey Sis! It's Easter today! Aren't you excited?"

Tiff: "Not really, Tuff."

Tuff: "Huh, why?"

Tiff: "I'm still trying to look for a book to find a way to get back Kirby and Meta Knight. If the next ones I read don't tell me what I need, I'll just ask King DeDeDe!"

Tuff: "But sis, you've been at those books since yesterday!! Plus Kirby can manage on his own, and if not... He has Meta Knight to help him. You should take a break. It might refresh you to take one."

Tiff: "But-"

Tuff: "Oh yeah, and we are about to start an egghunt. Whoever wins will get a special prize! Come on sis."

Tiff: "Huh? Wait a second-!"

Tuff grabbed Tiff's hand and ran out of her room and went outside with the other children.

Lololo: "Hey guys, not a moment to soon!"

Lalala: "Yeah, you guys ready to start the egg hunt?"

Everyone except Tiff: "YEAH!"

Honey: "Are we gonna split into teams?"

Lalala: "I think we should!"

Spikehead: "No then one team will have one more person than the others."

Lololo: "Can we at least stick together?"

Spikehead: "Yeah but not work together."

Lalala: 'Then I guess we are gonna argue over who saw what egg and who gets it huh...'

Iro: "Here the baskets!"

Iro handed the baskets to everyone.

Iro: "Okay, now the rules are: You can't steal anyone else's, would kind of be not cool, and it might break into a fight. No punches or kicks. No teaming. And no making fake eggs. Okay.. now are you guys ready?"

Lololo, Lalala: "Yeah, let's do this!"

Honey: "Mhm!"

Spikehead: "Yup."

Tuff: "Yes, let's just get on with it already!"

Tiff: *Sigh* 'I might as well try to listen to Tuff's advice, it might actually help...' "Yeah.."

Iro: "Okay... Ready.... Set..."

Everyone (except Lololo and Lalala and kind of Tiff) got into a running position.

Iro: "On your marks...."

Tuff: "Hey, come on just start it already!"

Spikehead: "Yeah, hurry it up."

Iro: "Okay okay... 1-2-3 GO!"

Iro was the one running to get eggs first from the sudden fast countdown.

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