being a hero always has its downsides to relaxing

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Prologue start!

It was a peaceful day in dreamland like any other and- ...Okay, maybe NOT like any other, but you get the point!

Our hero of this story, or fan-fiction in this case, was sleeping. Dreaming about lots of food and playing with his friends like Tiff, Tuff, Lololo, Lalala, etc.

For Kirby it would be a perfectly nice day to play, eat, and possibly ( but already now) sleep.

But to a certain duo, was another day of scheming to get poor Kirby out of dreamland forever! 

And they had JUST the plan for it.


Escargoon: "Your fortune..." He said while unfolding something that looked like a scroll.

King Dedede: "Well? Hurry up and read it to me!" He demanded. He read it and it said: 

Escargoon: " 'You will one day have a temporary vacation, enjoy it while it lasts.' It says sire." 

The king raised in his seat a bit when he heard him read it.

King Dedede: "Temporary Vacation? What does that mean?!" He had misunderstood the fortune.

He thought it was trying to say: 'Kirby will once again defeat your demon beast and this time you, finally you. Sending you temporarily somewhere else and giving the Cappies a wonderful timed vacation!'

King Dedede: "Grrr, you know what this calls for," Escargoon sighed and finished his sentence.

Escargoon: "A demon beast from N.M.E, I presume?" King DeDeDe then looked at him annoyed.

King Dedede: "Then, GET TO IT IF YOU KNOW IT!" He yelled. "Errr uh, yes sire!"


Somewhere outside of the castle, a pink puffball was sleeping soundly next to a big tree as, kind of, said earlier. But nobody can sleep forever! Something fell on poor Kirby's head and had also cracked upon contact. 

Kirby looked around confused, but then noticed two things, 

1: A cookie! A cracked one at that though. 

2, a small, long, white, rectangular piece of paper right next to the cookie. Kirby, being himself, ate the cookie first, then after, looked at the paper. 

'You will travel to many different, exotic places with a few friends one day.' It read.

But of course Kirby was still a toddler/kid, a special one at that. He was able to, kind of, talk and understand stuff but not able to read. He shook it off and inhaled the Paper. Why? Because plot, obviously.

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