hot guys are always trouble

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                                                 Continuing in 3... 2... 1...                                              

In a Magic shop somewhere in Hargeon.

"What? There's only ONE magic store in this entire TOWN!?" A blonde girl, named Lucy yelled in frustration, slamming both of her hands on the counter of a magic store in anger and shock. "Yes. This town instead lives off of the fishing business instead of magic. Not even a tenth of the people in this entire town even use magic." The shop clerk explained, making Lucy make a face of annoyance and sighed.

"Darn, I guess this was a total bust then huh?" She felt bummed out and was about to decide to leave the shop, however the shop clerk lifted her hopes up and made her stop from leaving: "Now, now, don't say that. " He grabbed something from behind the counter. "Please, have a look. I have a lot of new merchandise you know."

He pulled out a small rectangular shaped switch box that was pink and had the word '𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓢 ' on it in cursive, and had 2 little mirrors on it. "Girls just love this ColorS magic. You can switch the color of your clothes to whatever you feel like on that day!"

He picked a color by swiping on the bottom mirror and then did a circle motion on it. The upper mirror started to glow green till a green-white little magic circle appeared. "Change! Like this." He again swiped his hand but this time up making the little magic circle disappear and green-white particles emitted from his finger throughout the motion (then disappeared too when it was done).

Then, Kabam! ... which was very much not an onomatopoeia.

The man's robe and hat changed color. His robe that used to be a dark yellow now turned purple and the ribbon on it turned white. His hat instead turned green to white and the star on it, which was a yellowish green, became red.

"I already have one. I'm searching for some powerful gate keys." Lucy was holding her hopes that he had one. "Gate keys huh? Those are pretty rare..." He went back behind the counter again search for something for the girl and putting the rectangular switch box back.

He took out a small brown box and opened it, revealing a silver key that had a blue hard-to-describe icon on it. She gasped in both surprise and amazement. "This is the white puppy, White Doggy!!" She internally started squealing. "Yeah but, this one's not powerful.. At all.." He sweat dropped. "So what? I was DEFINITELY looking for it... Anywho, how much is it for it?" "20,000 Jewel."





"How much will that be again? Sorry I just wanna confirm the price." "Like I said, 20,000 JEWEL, please." The girl quietly groaned. 'God this is gonna be hard. Wait I have an idea!'

Lucy got up on the counter, sitting on it in a seductive pose. "Come on, how much is it REALLY, you wonderful old man you." She winked at him.

Kirby: Right Back at the World!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora