calm explanation

157 2 19


Ah yea hello hello. This is a short chapter. Yup. Bye.



Story start!

Ash: "Aha.. well you see.. Kirby and Meta Knight aren't actually a Pokémon.

Professor Kukui: "Huh? Really?"

The others were kinda shocked too except for Mallow.

Mallow: "I can tell. But then what are they then?"

Meta Knight debated to himself if he should talk and tell them or not... and he decided to.

Meta Knight: "Kirby is actually a new Star Warrior. Not a Pokémon."

They gasped when they heard him talk.

They asked what a star warrior was and Meta Knight calmly explained. They were a group that fought against eNeMeE in the great war long ago in their world. Some died and a few lived, including him. But Kirby never participated in the war but is a star warrior who is gonna help fight NME, who never got defeated.

They were shocked but nodded their heads.

Lillie: "Y-you poor things!"

Lillie said sniffling.

Ash: "I can't believe it... why were you guys fighting him??"

Meta Knight: "He was trying to take over all of Popstar, all the other planets, and the whole universe.. He wanted them to be within his evil conquering, but we thankful stopped him for a while. We need to get back as quickly as possible. We don't know what could be happen right now at this moment while Kirby is gone."

Lana: "Well.." she stepped forward. "I can try and help you two."

Sophocles: "Yeah. Me too."

Lillie: "I don't know how much help I can be, but I'll try also!"

They all said they wanted to help them get back to their own world. Kirby looked at them and gave them a growing smile.


Kirby: he started jumping up and down around and everywhere

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Kirby: he started jumping up and down around and everywhere. "Poyo! Po Poyo Poyo! Poyoo!!" 

He honestly was just really happy to know that they were getting help to get back to their own world.


Word count: 386


Story End!

Story End!

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Kirby: Right Back at the World!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt