Hello, Good Evening, Goodbye. (1)

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                                                  Continuing in 3... 2... 1...                                             

Somewhere on a ship at sea

"Lucy-wucy was it? What a pretty name." She looked uncomfy. "Thank you..."

Lucy and Salamander were sitting at a little table with wine atop it. "Let's start with a toast." Salamander snapped his fingers and some of the wine in the glass floated out of it and into the air.

"Now, open wide, and savor the fruit-flavored gems as they enter your mouth..." He started to make it float towards her. "GAH?!" 'Ugh, I've got to deal with it! Gotta- wait.. This is...!!' Lucy stood up and hit the wine away from her (Don't ask how!). "What's the meaning of this?" Disgusted was a nice way to put how she felt right now..

"This is magic to knock people out, Sleep." He glared at her. "So, you've noticed the other ring on my finger? You're pretty sharp." He also stood up.

Lucy rolled her eyes at this dumb man. She wasn't some stupid vulnerable girl! "Look, don't get any ideas. I want to join Fairy Tail, but I have no intentions of being your woman." Salamander chuckled. "What a handful you are, girly!"

Right when he said that, the white curtains behind Lucy opened and revealed men holding girls that were unconscious, the look on the men's faces were such evil grins. Lucy was shocked, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"W-what the heck is this?" Lucy started to backed away, she was horrified! "Hehe, welcome to my ship. Please be good until we reach Bosco, missy!" "Bosc- Wha- HUH?! What... What about Fairy Tail!" She yelled.

"Give it up! You're our merchandise now." "That's..." The answer was obvious. He wasn't actually a member of Fairy Tail. It was all a trap. But all this was confusing Lucy. Why would someone in Fairy Tail do such a thing!?

"Then... The other girls!" She realized that even if the girls weren't under their charm, they could've also been tricked. "That's our Salamander!." "Hah. We've got ourselves quite a haul this time!" "Why you...!" Lucy grabbed her keys but Salamander cast his purple fire and hurt Lucy's wrist. This made her accidentally throw her keys... Into his clutches.

"Hm. Gate Keys? So, you're a Celestial Wizard. This magic can only be used by the contract holders." The other men closed in around Lucy. "In other words, these are useless to me."

He tossed the keys off the ship, right into the water. Lucy ran to the railing, seeing them fall in. She also noticed some girls on the lower part of the ship on the floor sleeping.

'What's the matter with this guy? What a horrible thing to do... This can't... This can't be what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard! ..can it?' Lucy started to shed some tears from all the welled-up anger in her.

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