welcome to the world of POcKEt MONsters!

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(The talking format will change 2 times in this story, cause writer-sama is tryna see which is better. So don't get too comfortable.)

______Kirby-mon! Catch n' Fun!______

Story start!

Ash: "This is my first Pokémon ride! This is the best ever, whoa!!" He started looking around and was very much enjoying the little ride.

Pikachu: "Pikaachu."

Taxi driver: "Here in the Alola region, we use the power of Pokémon to go anywhere and everywhere. We refer to these Pokémon as ride-Pokémon."

Pikachu looked at the ride-Pokémon's tail and got distracted by it, thus started to try and catch it.

Taxi driver: "For land travel, you take a land-ride Pokémon. Flying? You take an air-ride Pokémon. For water... a water-ride Pokémon!!"

Ash: "So then, that Sharpedo was a water-ride Pokémon." He picked up Pikachu and settled him on his lap.

Taxi driver: "Hoho! It seems to me you've already been trying things out here."

Ash: "Yup! Hey mom, where are we taking the egg?"

Ash's mom/Delia: "To a place they call a Pokémon School."

Ash: "Pokémon school, huh?"

Ash's mom: "Sounds interesting, doesn't it?"

Mr. Mime: "Mime?"

Ash: "Yeah!"

Mr. Mime: "Mime, Mime, Mime!" Mr. Mime started tapping Delia's leg and pointing at somewhere.

Ash's mom: "Oh?" She looked where he was pointing at and saw it was a berry stand. "My, my. Look at all those delicious berries. Maybe I'll buy some as a gift."

Taxi driver: "The berries in this market are always fresh and delicious!"

Ash's mom: "Sounds great!"


Location: Somewhere in the Alola region at a berry stand.

Mr. Mime: "Mr. Mimeee." He picked up two fruits, looking at each and probably comparing them.

Ash's mom: "Hm. So hard to make a decision." These two were checking out the berries at the stand and obviously trying to find which one they want to buy.

Ash and Pikachu (who is on his shoulder): "Whoahaha/Pikaaaa..." These two were looking around at the scenery around here.

???: "Bwahh!" A bug Pokémon had popped up from the ground and scared Ash

Kirby: Right Back at the World!Where stories live. Discover now