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Kirby is a legendary Star Warrior; Due to his stubby arms, his body language is a little odd. Kirby usually only says "Poyo," although he sometimes says names and has a limited vocabulary.

meta knight

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meta knight

Being a knight, Meta Knight respects a code of chivalry. He is a fierce and skilled swordsman, as well as a solitary and stoic character. He is often seen alone, and it is sometimes unclear as to what he is feeling or what his motives are. Meta Knight takes great pride in his strength, yet he still wishes to grow stronger. He is shown to loathe laziness to the point of trying to take over Dream land once to end its lazy lifestyle. (But that's the game and this is the anime we're talking about, so of course none of that happened!)


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Despite his small stature and eccentric appearance, Happy is very loyal to his teammates and fellow guild members. Happy often emulates Natsu in his actions and responses. He is quick-witted and cheeky, especially to Lucy.


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Natsu is carefree and reckless in nature, but he is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. He is willing to go down fighting for his friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. Natsu has a straightforward mind, and often tackles issues with a "hands on" approach. His solution to problems often involve violence. Even when disrespected or faced with obvious hostility.


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Lucy is a clever, kind, and genuinely caring person. She also takes exceptional pride in her appearance and is very confident in her sex appeal. Lucy is, in most cases, cowardly and easily frightened, she has no problems with fighting and would happily stand up to danger, even if she ends up getting hurt, for her friends.

this is totally inportant for fairy tale lol.

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