29| My Mistake

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Landon's POV

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Landon's POV

"And class this is an easy project so I'm only giving you two days to complete. That's it for today, enjoy your lunch." My French teacher explained as the bell rang. I quickly finished a part of an old drawing before putting away my sketch pad and zipping up my backup. As I looked up I noticed Chanel standing in front of me. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she scoffed. "Am I okay?" She quietly screamed, bending to my level. I stood up and she was now nearly on her toes. "It has been three days and you've barely spoken to me." I shrugged and noticed everyone was out. Even the teacher was in the hallway speaking to the dean. "Hi?" I questioned her as I put my backpack on. Her eyes glazed but not with pain, worry. "You are pushing me away and that's exactly what I was afraid of from the jump. I know you lost your dad. I was there." I shook  my head.  "Please don't talk about him." I told her calmly.

"This isn't fair." Her eyes started to water and she didn't blink. "I can't act like everything is okay like you do. I gave myself to you and you're backing off." I chuckled at her words. "You gave yourself to me?" She wiped her face and sighed. "You know what I meant. I'm just trying to say how I feel." She whispered. "Look, I'm fine. If I'm not talking to you that much I'm sorry it'll change." I told her but her round eyes were hurt. She was scared. I rolled my eyes and stuck my hand out for her. She took it as we walked out and the teacher walked back in. She held my hand tight and never let go. Everyone stood in the halls or were walking to the cafeteria. As I walked I noticed one of the girls from the party and she waved at me. At first I ignored but I turned my head and looked back to see her smiling. I turned and felt Chanel's hand slip out of mine. When I looked back she was walking away towards the courtyard.

As I followed her I noticed her for the first time in three days. She was wearing my sweatpants that she rolled to sit on her hips and a cropped hoodie that exposed her waist. Her hair was back to curly and shaped around her face under the yellow beanie she wore. Her words from a while ago echoed in my head. "It means if I see you with another girl I'll cut your head off." I looked back. Why did I look back? She didn't like it. She pushed the door open to the courtyard where Valentina was watching the boys play ball. They cocked Chanel a half smile and ignored my existence. Out of nowhere Chanel stopped walking so fast causing me to bump into her. She turned around and put her hand on her forehead blocking the sun. "Are you okay?" She mimicked me.

"You're right, I've been acting like a dick to you and it's not fair." She cocked her head to the side and hid the tears she wanted to cry under pettiness. "Hmm a dick like being able to sit in the same bed as me and ignore my existence or a dick like checking out lip filler back there?" She switched hands to cover her eyes. "Both and it's not your fault what happened, happened. I've been dealing with it wrong and it's not fair to take it out on you." Her gaze softened as she listened. "And I shouldn't have looked back, because I don't want my head cut off." She switched hands again. I grabbed her waist and turned her around so the sun was now facing me. I squinted as I waited for an answer. "Cee are you coming?" Valentina called out to her. She ignored and instead stood on her toes using both hands to cover my eyes from the sun.

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