14| Project

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Chanel's Point of View

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Chanel's Point of View

"Before you guys go for the day, I'd like to assign you your first project for my statistics class. Also your partners. " I head shot up to look at the teacher when she said the project. A project in stat's meant lot's of writing and lots of graphing. "For the groups we'll do Casey and Myra. Travis and Genesis. Valentia and Ella. Chanel and Landon. Fin and James." She continued with the groping as I noticed Valentina stare Genesis down like she did something wrong. Landon was at the front of the class but still turned around to look at me. I smiled at him, I'm glad it was him and not someone I have no time of day for. "The fun part is I'll let you guys choose your own project. You guys choose a topic with your partner, explain it, chart it, then turn it in next week wednesday. You guys can use pictures and whatever chart you'd like to chart." The bell rang and I got out of my seat immediately.

My first shift started in an hour and I had to get there and change out of Valentina's top and my jeans. I felt someone tap on my shoulder as I tried to get by all the students in the halls. I turned to see Landon with his hands now in his pockets walking by me. "Are you working today?" I asked him. "Yeah tonight at 8." He informed me. "That's when my second shift starts. I can stop by around six to start the project and continue after work tonight, make sure to leave early so you get a few hours of sleep."

Once we got out we ended up walking in silence. He was so stiff walking next to me. I didn't mention it and we split up. He headed home while I made it to the club. Dominic found me as soon as I stepped into the dressing room. "How's school?" He asked. "It's only my second day. Feels like time froze all of a sudden." He chuckled. I looked into the mirror and fixed my hair into a ponytail. "You keep those grades up kid, and no drinking at the bar. You're still under age." He warned. I sat up and put my hand up to my forehead. "Yes sir." I saluted him. He laughed and walked out leaving me to change.

Once I got into my mini schoolgirl skirt and nipple tape I made it to my private room. This time it was only three guys. Looked drunk off their mind but what can they say, it's only two a few hours away from five. I got on stage and as soon as my hand touched the pole they started cheering. I twirled and blew kisses to them as their dick hardened and the floor beneath me was covered in one's, twenties and fifties. I bent over, got back up slowly. I felt so dirty in my skin, but that's all I had. My body. My brain was advanced but still slow at the same time, from the ecstasy and whatever else was under my bed.

After two hours of dancing for men I locked the door and started picking up the money on the ground. I sat on the edge of the stage and pulled the bills into a satin bag. I slowed down and eventually put the bag down. I rested my elbows on my knees and looked around the room. Looked at what I turned into and what I was doing with my life. Just two years ago I was 'The princess who would walk the earth and the world would adjust to fit me.' The girl and daughter my dad loved. If Lucas would look at me today he wouldn't recognize me. I know it, he knows and I'm sure even Evelyn knows it.

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